星期五, 9月 05, 2008

今日指導 九月五日

請在御本尊無限功德的圍繞下, 渡過你的一生, 並且打開你內在無邊際的宮殿.
在你循着信心之道--一條人類所能追隨的最崇高之道上行走時, 應自豪和英勇地獻身於廣宣流布,

Please spend your entire lives embraced by the infinite benefit of the Gohonzon, and open within yourself a boundless inner palace.
Proudly and valiantly devote yourself to kosen-rufu as you walk the path of faith, the highest path a human being can follow, and lead the most splendid kind of existence.

星期四, 9月 04, 2008

今日指導 九月四日

希望你能實踐信心, 以渡過一個明朗愉快的人生.
你應該持續明朗, 愉快的信心, 以及喜悅的折伏行.
我最大的希望就是你能日復一日地過着明朗, 愉快的生活, 永遠燃燒着對前途的希望火花.

I hope you will practise faith so that you may live a bright, cheerful existence.
To this end, you should carry through with bright and cheerful faith, and a joyful practice of shakubuku.
My deepest hope is that you will live a bright and cheerful life, day by day, always burning with hope for the future.

星期三, 9月 03, 2008

今日指導 九月三日

無論一個人過的是怎樣的生活, 當他與妙法結緣時, 即使僅那麼一次, 佛界的"金剛寶器"便開始在他生命中顯現出來.

When a person forms a relationship with the Law of Myoho even once, no matter what kind of life he leads, he begins to develop within himself a "diamond vessel" of Buddhahood.
The prerequisite for both lasting world peace and happiness for all mankind lies in creating a fortress for peace and happiness in the life of each individual.

今日指導 九月二日

掌握佛道修行的精髓, 這個人生的目的在於我們對生命的意義能有多充分的了解以及在目前的環境中對個人的使命能有多深厚的感覺.

Mastering the essence of Buddhist practice, which is the purpose of life, lies how fully we can grasp the significance of our lives, and how deeply we can sense our own individual mission in the environment where we find ourselves now.
This is the key point of our faith.

星期一, 9月 01, 2008

今日指導 九月一日

這是個完全自由, 毫無拘束的生命境涯, 我們可在其內永遠享有常樂我淨.
於內的佛界中的"我"在六道循環的現實生活中, 展開各種活動完成我們達到廣宣流布和挽救眾生脫離苦海的使命.

The life of Buddhahood spans eternity.
It is a completely free and unrestricted state of life in which we can always enjoy the enlightened properties of eternity, happiness, true self and purity (jo raku ga jo).
With this "self" of Buddhahood hidden within us, we carry out our various activities in the reality of the lower Six Worlds to fulfill our mission to accomplish kosen-rufu and to save all people from suffering.