星期五, 2月 01, 2008

今日指導 二月一日

只有那些在題目, 教學與其地域的座談會方面不斷努力的人才是學會真正與可敬的會員.

Only those who make consistent efforts in daimoku, study and dicussion meeting in their community are true and honourable Gakkai members.
That is the standard I would like to set.

星期四, 1月 31, 2008

今日指導 一月三十一日

儘管過去數年來, 為了廣宣流布而鞠躬盡瘁.
如果中途放棄信心, 那所完成的一切最終將功虧一簣.
事實上, 這就如一百乘以零等於零一般.

Regardless of the great pains which one may have taken for the sake of kosen-rufu over the course of many years, if at some point he abandons faith, everything that he has accomplished will in the end come to nothing.
In effect, it is like multiplying 100 by a factor of zero.

今日指導 一月三十日

日蓮大聖人的佛法是"下種"佛法, 其目的是在眾生的生命中播種成佛的種子, 即南無妙法蓮華經.
這種是為全人類創造永恆, 不崩潰的幸福的基礎的基本因素.

Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is the Buddhism of "sowing"; its purpose is to plant the seed of enlightment, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, in the lives of all people on earth.
Herein lies the fundamental cause to create the foundation of lasting, indestructible happiness for all people.

星期二, 1月 29, 2008

今日指導 一月二十九日

傲慢是生命的退化狀態, 而以法華經為榮是一種求道精神的表現.

Arrogance is a degradation of one's life, while pride in the Lotus Sutra is an expression of one's seeking spirit.

星期一, 1月 28, 2008

今日指導 一月二十八日

無論面對什麼困難, 侮辱或中傷, 身為地涌菩薩眷屬的我們必須不受憤怒或仇恨動搖, 沈着與慈悲地宣弘佛法的正確教義與意思.
你應確信唯有通過佛法的不間斷努力, 悟達的生命境涯--佛界, 才能在生命中涌現出來.

As followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, we must propagate the correct teachings and meaning of Buddhism with composure and compassion, untouched by anger or animosity, no matter what difficulty, insult or calumny we may face.
You should be convinced that only through your ceaseless effort of propagation will the world of Buddhahood, the life-condition of enlightenment, manifest itself within your life.

今日指導 一月二十七日

無論是個人或團體, 在工作場所的盡責表現, 會引向進步與繁榮.
相反地, 惡劣的表現無可避免地會導致失敗.

Conscientious performance in the work-place leads to progress and prosperity; be it for the individual or group.
In contrast, shoddy performance inevitably leads to failure.