星期六, 5月 10, 2008

今日指導 五月十一日

即使有不愉快或痛苦的經歷, 應通過嚴肅認真的勤行與題目並積極推進廣布的活動來克服.

Even if you should have some unpleasant or painful experience, overcome it by devoting yourself to a strict practice of gongyo and daimoku and vigorously advancing your activitiesfor kosen-rufu.
This in itself is away of life based upon Buddhahood and strong faith.

星期五, 5月 09, 2008

今日指導 五月十日


Let's find capable people.
Let's raise and protect them.
That is the well-spring of eternal prosperity.

今日指導 五月九日

信心使我們飛越困苦的山峰, 達成所願, 並開拓一片安穩的生命沃土.
無論置身于苦與樂, 只要繼續唱題, 你將開啟一條通往永不崩潰的幸福之道.

Everyone experiences hardship and problems.
One might even go so far as to say that the entire human race is caught up in a continual cycle of suffering.
Faith allows us to surmount a mountain of suffering, fulfill our desires, and open the fertile plains of a secure and peaceful life.
When you continue to chant, whether you are in pain or joy, you will open up a great road to indestructible happiness.

星期四, 5月 08, 2008

今日指導 五月八日

無論何時, 所表現的有多昌盛, 表面的昌盛有如一場夢.

No matter how much one may appear to be prospering at any given point, surface prospering is like a dream.
Whether the whole of one's life has been decisively happy or unhappy becomes clear in its final chapter.
This is something one must gauge by the yardstick of eternity.

星期三, 5月 07, 2008

今日指導 五月七日

努力唱題, 努力與會友交流是很重要的.
雖然是為廣宣流布的活動, 一切努力的功德最終是回向自己的.

Faith is the fundamental source of vitality.
Don't be defeated by a slump in faith.
It is important to strive in chanting daimoku, and in association with one's fellow believers.
Although we speak of activities for kosen-rufu, the benefit of all such efforts ultimately returns to oneself.

星期二, 5月 06, 2008

今日指導 五月六日

第一, 保持健康.
第二, 打好經濟基礎.
第三, 在工作上贏取信任.
第四, 以愛心栽培你的孩子, 並建立一個安穩的家庭.
這些都是日常生活的全面, 一旦脫離了日常生活, 就沒有佛法的存在了.

First, be healthy.
Second, established your economic base.
Third, be trusted on your job.
Fourth, raise your children with affection, and establish a secure family life.
These are all aspects of daily life, and apart from daily life, there is no Buddhism.

今日指導 五月五日

行學乃車之雙輪, 信心乃車之樞軸.
無論佛理知多少, 欠缺實踐, 實為缺輪之態.

Practice and study are like the two wheels of a cart and faith is like its axle.
No matter how great your knowledge of Buddhist doctrines, without practice, it will be incomplete.

星期一, 5月 05, 2008

今日指導 五月四日

無論產生什麼障礙, 你的佛學研究將大大支持你建立一個不動搖的信心.
我希望你具有這種精神拜讀御書, 因為這是信心的絕妙表現.

Your Buddhist study will greatly support our efforts to develop a faith that never wavers, no matter what obstacles may arise.
I hope you will have this spirit to read the gosho, as it is a wonderful expression of your faith.

今日指導 五月三日

為了成佛與廣宣流布而歸命于御本尊及精進地修行, 無疑地, 會使人能夠真正地愛護他人而別人也會反過來感受其過人之處.

When one dedicates himself to the Gohonzon and advances in practice for the sake of his own enlightenment and for kosen-rufu, then, without doubt, he will become capable of truly loving others, and others in turn will say to themselves that there is something about him that shines.

今日指導 五月二日

同時, 信心的一念也可以將痛苦轉為快樂.

Some people spend their lives grumbling or complaining about their problems and sufferings.
Others live brightly and joyfully.
The state of your ichinen will determine whether your environment will become a "hell" or a "joyful land."
Also, you can transform suffering into pleasure according to your ichinen of faith.

今日指導 五月一日

為宣弘本門佛法這崇高的目標奮勇立起的人能因本身所擁有的崇高宗旨與題目的功德, 將日常生活的苦與樂化為大歡喜的泉源.

Those who stand up for the supreme goal of propagating true Buddhism can, due to their lofty sense of purpose and the beneficial power of daimoku, change all of the pleasures and sorrows of daily living into a source of supreme joy.