星期六, 3月 29, 2008

今日指導 三月三十日

為了要通過行動掌握信心, 個人必須以身實踐御書教導.
因此, 如果無法將御書的教導由信心的立場實踐的話, 那麼就無法真正地稱為強盛的信心.

Faith is not just an abstract idea.
It is something you should develop through practice.
In order to master faith through action, one must practise as the gosho teaches.
Therefore, if one cannot put into action the lessons taught in the gosho, applying them from the standpoint of faith, then one's faith cannot truly be called deep.

今日指導 三月二十九日

是喜悅, 煩惱或痛苦, 只有自己最清楚, 沒有其他人可告訴你.

Although some may speak of "benefit" or "punishment ," these things are ultimately determined by one's own practice.
You know better than anyone whether you are feeling joy or pain, or suffering.
No one else can tell you these things.
A deep sense of happiness can be found nowhere but within your own heart.

星期五, 3月 28, 2008




今日指導 三月二十八日

在投訴之前, 先向着你面前的牆壁挑戰.

Before you complain, challenge the walls in front of you.
This is the courageous way of fighting for kosen-rufu and the spirit of human revolution.

星期四, 3月 27, 2008

今日指導 三月二十七日

深化"信心的根"是很重要的, 如果你的信心根深蒂固, 那你絕不會被人生諸行無常的風吹倒.
完滿充實的"枝椏"將會生長, 宿命轉換, 朝成佛的"果實"將會成熟.
信心上所累積的種種經驗, 加上日日的佛道修行與努力, 將能滋養信心的根, 使之延伸並深化.

It is vital to deepen your "roots of faith."
If you the roots of your faith are deep, you will never be toppled by the winds of impermanence.
The "branches" of complete fulfillment will then grow, and the "fruit" of your change in destiny towards the attainment of Buddhahood will ripen.
The accumulation of many experiences in faith, along with your daily practice and effort, will nourish the roots of your faith and allow them to spread and deepen.

星期三, 3月 26, 2008

今日指導 三月二十六日

通過信心方面心與心的激勵, 可以磨練我們品格與加強我們的信心.
通過種種方法互相勉勵, 我們可以加強信心並掌握人生正確之道.
信心之道是深遠的, 你無法單獨繼續前行.

Through life-to-life encouragement in faith, we can polish our character and deepen our faith.
Through encouraging one another in various ways, we can deepen our faith and secure a course along the correct path in life.
The way of faith is profound; you cannot continue to walk it alone.

星期二, 3月 25, 2008

今日指導 三月二十五日

以御本尊為根本的同時, 請向着日蓮大聖人的意願--即廣宣流布前進, 並過着最有意義的青年時期.

I hope the members of the youth division will forge ahead courageously along the great road to kosen-rufu and the correct plan of faith.
While basing yourselves on the Gohonzon, please advance towards kosen-rufu, the will of Nichiren Daishonin, and live the days of your most meaningfully.

星期一, 3月 24, 2008

今日指導 三月二十四日

無論你有多忙碌, 或在理解方面有多困難, 學習御書的努力便是求道心的表現.
無論你是否了解御書, 我希望你能日日努力拜讀至少一段或一句御文.

Your efforts to study the gosho, no matter how busy your schedule or how difficult it may be to understand, are an expression of your seeking mind.
Whether you understand it or not.
I hope you will make an effort to read at least one passage or phrase of the gosho daily.

今日指導 三月二十三日

御書曰:"妙為開之意", "妙為蘇生之意".
信心能將一切困難與痛苦化為幸福, 喜悅與希望, 給予我們新的活力.
根據"以信代慧"的原理, 我們可以湧現潛伏於生命裡基本的智慧.

The gosho states, "Myo means to open," and "Myo means to revitalize."
Faith opens the way for changing all problems and suffering into happiness, joy and hope, giving us fresh vitality.
Based on the principle of "substituting faith for wisdom," we can unlock the essential wisdom we possess within us.