星期五, 7月 04, 2008

今日指導 六月三十日

在青年時期無法好好訓練身心的人, 往往會在日後發現其信念與理想破滅.
進一步地說, 這類人很可能是人生徹底的失敗者.

One who fails to train his body and mind while young , will, in many case, find that his determination and ideals are often destroyed in his later years.
Furthermore, it is likely that such a person will turn out to be a complete loser in life.

今日指導 六月二十九日

要轉換不幸的宿業, 和確立去幸福的人生需要持續及勇猛的信心.
請持着強盛, 勇猛的信心以及對御本尊偉大力量的確信, 向着充滿幸福, 功德與希望的人生邁進.

To change one's miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith.
Please advance with powerful, courageous faith and deep confidence in the supreme power of the Gohonzon, towards a life filled with happiness, benefit and hope.

今日指導 六月二十八日

在現代社會的嚴酷現實中, 只求過着普通的生活, 是不能令你轉換惡業的.
要打開宿業的枷鎖需要極大的力量, 這就如火箭沖離地心吸引力到這太空所需要的強大噴射力一般.

Simply trying to lead a normal life amid the severe realities of modern society will not enable you to change your negative karma.
Breaking the chains of one's karma requires great energy similar to the thrust needed by a rocket to break the pull of Earth's gravity and to be launched into outer space.
What provides us with this tremendous power is the Mystic law.

星期三, 7月 02, 2008

今日指導 六月二十七日

你為了信心所做的一切, 最終將會以幸福的形式回向給你.
因此, 為了你本身, 我希望你繼續以勇氣與希望在信心大道前進.

Everything you do for the sake of faith ultimately comes back to you in the form of happiness.
Therefore, I hope that for your own sake, you will continue to walk the great path of faith with courage and hope.

今日指導 六月二十六日

無論怎麼富有或著名, 這類事物都不持久.
缺乏信心, 他將會感到不足和一股空虛感, 最終陷於痛苦與孤寂中.

A person who has correct faith is walking the highest path a human being can travel in life.
No matter how rich or famous one might be , such things do not last.
Without faith, he will eventually feel dissatisfied and experience a sense of emptiness, ultimately ending in misery and loneliness.

今日指導 六月二十五日

你必須了解, 我們學習是為了加強信心, 為了推進廣宣流布, 為了達至成佛.

Buddhist study is not the mere memorisation of theory.
Your determination to study is an important aspect of your attitude in faith.
You must understand that we study to deepen our faith, to promote kosen-rufu and to progress towards our attainment of Buddhahood.

今日指導 六月二十四日

御書云: "易受難持, 然成佛在於持".
這是因為, 在嚴酷的日常現實中對御本尊所持的信心是幸福的堅固基地.

The gosho states, "To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith."
No matter what obstacles might arise, you must never leave the Gohonzon.
This is because faith in the Gohonzon is the solid base for happiness amid the stern realities of daily life.