星期五, 6月 13, 2008

今日指導 六月十五日

患病時, 信心弱者會受惡魔影響.
這個人的生命就會變得污瀆, 最終也許會完全喪失信心.
信心強盛的人能直接面對本身的不幸, 並以大量的題目勇敢地克服一切困境.

In the event of illness, a person with weak faith will be carried away by devilish influences.
Such a person's life will then become impure, and he may finally lose faith entirely.
A person of strong faith will be to gaze directly at his own unhappiness and boldly overcome it with abundant daimoku.

今日指導 六月十四日


Our organisation is a safety zone of faith and happiness.

今日指導 六月十三日

御書提及: "南無妙法蓮華經是歡喜中的大歡喜."
它令你顯現最喜悅, 最有沖勁的生命境界.
由於天天唱誦這偉大的題目, 我們就能活得朝氣蓬勃.
因此, 無論如何, 我們都應自然地過着充滿青春活力的生活.

The gosho states, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest of all joys."
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental law that moves the universe.
It enables you to reveal the most joyful, dynamic condition of life.
Because we chant this great daimoku everyday, we can always live with youthful vitality.
Therefore, we should naturally live our lives youthfully, no matter what.

星期四, 6月 12, 2008

今日指導 六月十二日

今日, 與其渡過一個看似美好的放縱生活, 你應該在佛道修行的路上流着汗, 辛勞地工作, 以便在明日過一個充滿自信的人生.

Today, rather than leading a seemingly pleasurable life of self-indulgence, you should toil, bathed in sweat, along the road of Buddhist practice, so that tomorrow you can lead a life filled with confidence.

星期三, 6月 11, 2008

今日指導 六月十一日

歸根到底, 幸與不幸在於個人奧底的一念而非他處.
以佛法深遠的觀點來看, 向着御本尊繼續地唱誦題目的堅強一念, 將成為一切變化的泉源.
換言之, 持續唱題的堅強一念是改善任何處境之鑰.

All in all, happiness and unhappiness lie nowhere but within one's deep-seated ichinen.
When viewed form the profound perspective of Buddhism, one's strong ichinen in continually chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon will become the source of all change.
In other words, your strong ichinen to continue chanting is the key to changing any situation for the better.

星期二, 6月 10, 2008

今日指導 六月十日

換句話說, 通過佛道修行, 你可以創造通往不崩潰幸福的基本因緣.
因此, 絕對不可放棄信心.

One who continues to chant abundant daimoku to the Gohonzon will accumulate eternal good fortune and establish an everlasting condition of joy within his life.
In other words, through Buddhist practice, you can create the fundamental cause which leads to indestructible happiness.
Therefore, you must absolutely never abandon your faith.

星期日, 6月 08, 2008

今日指導 六月九日

在持續信心方面, 我們要小心避免犯上慢心, 虛偽或高傲的態度.
真正的信心是一心向御本尊持續勤行與唱題的修行, 以精進不虛之心向前進.

In maintaining faith, we must be careful to avoid such attitude as haughtiness, pretension or conceit.
True faith is to pray single-mindedly to the Gohonzon, continue the practice of gongyo and daimoku and forge ahead without affectation.

今日指導 六月八日


Even a cave that has been in total darkness for millions of years will become brightly illuminated the moment a light is brought inside.
Only your practice of faith can ignite the flame of happiness within your heart.

今日指導 六月七日

我們有轉換宿命的信心, 並且唱誦題目--大歡喜的泉源.
因此, 當我們向着御本尊唱題目, 我們能夠將生命中的大歡喜湧現出來時, 我們能夠解決一切的苦惱與不幸.

We are fortune enough to embrace the Gohonzon.
We have faith, which enables us to change our destiny, and we chant daimoku, the source of tremendous joy.
The gosho states, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest joy of all joys." In this sense, as we can resolve all of our problems and unhappiness.