星期五, 5月 30, 2008

今日指導 六月一日

"寂光土"不在他處, 它就在你現處之地, 它存在於本着信心, 無論會發生什麼事都宣弘真正的佛教教義的堅忍修行中.

The "Buddha land" exists nowhere but where you are right now.
It is to be found in one's enduring practice, based on faith, to spread the true teachings of Buddhism no matter what might happen.
It is within one's ichinen to challenge and overcome suffering.

今日指導 五月三十一日

無論你目前的生活環境如何困難或幸福, 這不過是你生命中的其中一面罷了.
佛法所觀乃事物真實的一面, 它着眼於生命的整體, 尤其是決定人生成敗的生命末章的結果.

No matter how difficult or how fortunate the circumstances in which you may presently live, this is only one aspect of your life.
Viewing things as they truly are, Buddhism focuses on one's life taken as a whole and, in particular, on the outcome of its final chapter in determining its success or failure.

今日指導 五月三十日

當我們將自己奉獻於自行化他的修行時, 除了受持御本尊與一心唱題外, 就無其他的方法可以築起跨越三世的真正幸福的永恆境界了.

There is no other way to build an eternal condition of true happiness that spans the three existences of past, present and future than to embrace the Gohonzon and chant daimoku wholeheartedly, as we devote ourselves to practise for ourselves and for others.

星期四, 5月 29, 2008

今日指導 五月二十九日

信心退轉是因為受制於自身的短淺眼光, 膚淺, 增上慢, 怨嫉或自私的慾望而起的.
無論你目前的信心有多強盛, 如果你中途退轉的話, 就不能說你曾有真正的信心.

A person stops practising because he is controlled by his own narrow-mindedness, shallow attachment, arrogance, ill feelings towards other believers or selfish desire.
No matter how strong your faith may appear to be now, if you discard it at some point in your life, your faith cannot be said to have been true.

星期三, 5月 28, 2008

今日指導 五月二十八日

你日日為折伏而努力, 在許許多多的障礙和困難中掙扎並為廣宣流布挺身而出, 的確是擁有遠大的使命, 必可稱為佛的使者.

You who exert yourselves in the daily practice of shakubuku, struggle amid many obstacles and difficulties and extend yourselves for the sake of kosen-rufu, truly possess a profound mission and must certainly be called emissaries of the Buddha.

星期二, 5月 27, 2008

今日指導 五月二十七日

櫻花樹在春天美麗地綻放花朵, 吐露着芬芳.
同樣地, 人類也必須盡可能讓自己的生命如櫻花般盛放, 發揮出真實的潛能.
在最基本的層次上使之成為可能的除了對廣宣流布的深厚使命感與責任感外, 別無他徑.

Cherry trees blossom beautifully, adorning themselves with colour and fragrance in the Spring.
Likewise, human beings must allow their lives to blossom, expressing their true potential to the fullest extent.
What makes this possible on a most fundamental level is nothing other than a profound sense of mission and responsibility for kosen-rufu.

星期一, 5月 26, 2008

今日指導 五月二十六日


Faith in the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is sure to be accompanied by obstacles.
Remember, it is at such times that you can take a great leap towards your happiness.