星期五, 6月 20, 2008

今日指導 六月二十二日

請確信在信心的領域裡, 沒有一件事是毫無意義的.

Everything that happens in the world of faith has deep meaning and value.
Please be convinced that nothing is meaningless in the realm of faith.

今日指導 六月二十一日

只要你是勇敢的, 你絕不會讓惡緣影響你的佛道修行.
你可以過一個真正富有意義的人生, 好好地享受人生的每一方面.
如果你有足夠的勇氣, 你將能感受到一股巨大的強盛生命力的高潮, 使你轉換惡業.
同時, 你對廣宣流布所懷有的使命感也就更強烈.

So long as you are courageous, you will never be swayed form your Buddhist practice by evil influences.
You can live a truly meaningful existence, deeply enjoying every aspect of your life.
If you are courageous enough, you will experience a great upsurge of strong life-force which will enable you to change your negative karma.
At the same time, your sense of mission for kosen-rufu will also become stronger.

今日指導 六月二十日

身為廣宣流布的年青幹事, 我希望你能一生奉獻於信心的基本修行上.
當你堅定地決心向廣宣流布與充實的人生穩健地前進時, 你必須經常回返基本, 並從基本出發.

As youthful leaders of kosen-rufu, I hope you will dedicate yourselves to the basic practice of faith throughout your lives.
Always return to the basics and begin with the basics as you powerfully determine to advance steadily towards kosen-rufu and a solid existence.

星期四, 6月 19, 2008

今日指導 六月十九日

當你受持御本尊並繼續正確地朝向成佛的最終目標實踐信心時, 自然地, 你將會發覺自己與御本尊所解釋的深奧佛理配合.
請了解學習日蓮大聖人的本門佛法能進一步加強信心的實踐使你正確地, 充滿信心地前進.

As you embrace the Gohonzon and continue to carry out your faith correctly towards the final goal of enlightenment, you will naturally find yourself in tune with profound principles expounded in the gosho.
Please realise that your study of Nichiren Daishonin's true Buddhism adds substance to your practice of faith, allowing you to advance correctly and confidently.

星期三, 6月 18, 2008

今日指導 六月十八日

同時, 你將會大大地提高你的生命境涯.
這類修行上的努力將能使你在將生命置於幸福之道的同時, 累積無量無邊的功德.

Your constant efforts in practice for yourself and for others will enable you to feel a true sense of fulfillment in the depths of your life.
At the same time, you will greatly develop your life-condition.
Such efforts in practice will also allow you to accumulate immeasurable benefit while setting your life in a course towards happiness.
Please keep this in mind.

星期二, 6月 17, 2008

今日指導 六月十七日

具有求道心的人經常都精神奕奕, 充滿希望與喜悅.
唯有通過求道的精神, 才可琢磨與加強我們的信心.
在任何方面的努力, 一切都是決定於個人的求道心.

Those with a seeking mind will always feel refreshed, hopeful and filled with joy.
We must realise that only through a seeking spirit can we polish and deepen our faith.
This is true not only in the realm of faith.
In any field of endeavour, everything is determined by one's seeking mind.

星期一, 6月 16, 2008

今日指導 六月十六日

然而, 它只不過是一場夢--一個幻想.
真正的幸福是無法在幻影般的名譽, 聲望中得到的.

There are many people searching for fame.
Such a thing, however, is no more than a dream--an illusion.
Genuine happiness cannot be found within the ghost-image of reputation and fame.