星期六, 3月 15, 2008

今日指導 三月十六日


The Gohonzon will never forsake those who dedicate themselves to kosen-rufu.
Such people will definitely be praised by the Gohonzon and receive the protection of the Buddhist gods.

今日指導 三月十五日

身為地涌菩薩的眷屬, 我們為妙法的廣宣流布而立起奮鬥.
因此, 只要信心是真誠的, 行動是真心的, 必會受到御本尊的佑護.
這些具有清純信心為廣宣流布活動的可貴人士, 絕對能受到御本尊的佑護.

As followers of the Budhisattvas of the Earth, we have stood up to fight for the kosen-rufu of Myoho, or the Mystic Law.
Therefore, as long as your faith is sincere and your actions are true, the Gohonzon will definitely protect you.
Such precious individuals of pure faith, who act for the sake of kosen-rufu, can never fail to receive the Gohonzon's protection.

星期五, 3月 14, 2008

今日指導 三月十四日

我們為了推進廣宣流布與磨練信心而存在的組織, 好比是連接我們的生命與信心血脈的橋樑, 幫助我們成佛與得到絕對的幸福.
不過, 認為可單獨修行而脫離組織的人, 會傾於在信心上發展一種為個人看法與偏見所歪曲的我見態度.

Our organisation, which exists to promote kosen-rufu and polish our faith, can be compared to a bridge which connects our lives with the lifeblood of faith, helping us attain enlightenment and absolute happiness.
One who leaves the organisation, however, thinking it fine to practise alone at his own convenience, tends to develop a self-righteous attitude in faith, which is distorted by personal views and biases.

星期四, 3月 13, 2008

今日指導 三月十三日

在這一層關係上, 你誠懇與強盛的信心是最重要的.
因此, 我們應該在一生中保持永遠前進的信心與修行.

It is our power of faith and power of practice that enables us to tap the absolute and boundless power of the Buddha and power of the Law in the Gohonzon.
In this connection, your sincere, strong faith is most important.
Therefore, we should maintain ever-advancing faith and practice throughout life.

星期三, 3月 12, 2008

今日指導 三月十二日

負有職責的人須相應地深化信心, 愛惜, 維護及引導他人, 並在自身成長方面向前躍進一步.
要記得因為有先輩在旁, 所以才能夠打開自己信心的視野.

It is vital that those in positions of responsibility proportionately deepen their faith; love, protect and guide others; and strive to progress one step further in their personal development.
Remember that because you had seniors, you yourself were able to open your eyes to faith.

星期二, 3月 11, 2008

今日指導 三月十一日

學會的精神是守護御本尊, 是向御本尊祈求, 推進信心的精神.

The Gakkai spirit is the spirit to protect Gohonzon, to pray to it, and to propagate faith in it.
It is the spirit to shakubuku.
It is the spirit of unlimited challenge towards kosen-rufu.
It is the spirit not to retreat in the face of any difficulty.

星期一, 3月 10, 2008

今日指導 三月十日

持着"我一定要轉換宿命"以及"我的祈求必定會實現"的堅強一念, 每天向着御本尊許下清新的祈願並且讓生命的每一頁綴以勝利的美好現証.

Determined that "I will change my destiny" and " I will have my prayers fulfilled," please offer fresh prayers to the Gohonzon everyday and adorn each page of your life with beautiful actual proof of victory.

星期日, 3月 09, 2008

今日指導 三月九日

即使你在人生與信心修行的道路上面對種種不幸的事情, 通過強盛的信心而得到現証能使你確信佛法的力量, 從而對人生充滿希望與勇氣.
這將使你朝着以妙法為本的永恆, 真正的幸福之道前進.

Even if you may have suffered from unfortunate circumstances in the course of your life and practice of faith , the actual proof you see as a result of your strong faith will leave you clearly convinced of the power of Buddhism, giving rise to hope and courage in life.
This, in turn, will enable you to advance on a course towards lasting, genuine happiness based on the law of Myoho.

今日指導 三月八日

無論面對什麼情況, 一個以勇氣不斷地唱誦南無妙法蓮華經的人, 將能因法力和信力的關係而湧現佛界並與常樂我淨的宇宙韻律一支.
除了通過佛法的修行可達到一個不崩潰的生命境涯外, 被無其他的方法.

A person who constantly chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with courage, no matter what circumstances he may face, will be able to manifest Buddhahood and live in accordance with the universal rhythm of eternity, happiness, true self and purity (jo raku ga jo), due to the power of the law and the power of faith.
This is the reason for our Buddhist practice.
There is no other way to realise a life-condition as indestructible as that which we can attain through the practice of Buddhism.

今日指導 三月七日

有時, 你可能需要撤退.
重要的是, 即使你時而退後一步, 你仍繼續盡力而為.

It is not always wise to continually advance in a battle.
At certain times, you may have to retreat.
What is important is to continue to do your best, even though at times you may have to take a step back.

今日指導 三月五日

那些入信而又不遵從本門佛法教義的人, 其罪業之深重將遠遠超越那些一開始便磅法的人.

The offence of those who disobey the teachings of true Buddhism while embracing faith is far greater even than the offence of those who slander the True Law from the outset.