星期三, 2月 06, 2008

今日指導 二月九日

無論你目前有多痛苦, 請確信, 有了御本尊, 你一定能在人生長遠的道路上累積福運, 獲得幸福, 榮耀與勝利.

No matter how much you may be suffering now, please be convinced that in the long run you will definitely accumulate great fortune, happiness, glory and victory in your life with the Gohonzon.
Therefore, I strongly encourage you to realise that true faith lies in carrying out your practice of true Buddhism until the last moment of your life, no matter what.

今日指導 二月八日

我們生於末法的五濁惡世, 對妙法的宣弘懷有熱忱的祈望.
大聖人曾說過"三障四魔競起, 賢者喜悅, 愚者退缩".
因為我們實踐信心, 因此障礙自然會出現.
如果我們以信心的立場來閱讀此段御文, 就會在生命深處感受到喜悅.

We were born onto the stage of this polluted world of the Latter Day of the Law, cherishing an earnest wish for the spread of Myoho.
The Daishonin stated, "The three obstacles and four devils will invariably appear, and the wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat."
Beacuse we practise faith, obstacles will naturally appear.
Then, if we read this passage from the standpoint of faith, we can feel joy in the depths of our lives.

今日指導 二月七日

勤行時, 應保持尊貴的姿態.
勤行的朗朗聲應充滿青春的氣息. 給予身為地涌眷屬的會友們勇氣與希望.

Your posture and attitude while doing gongyo should always be one of dignity.
Your gongyo should resound youthfully, giving courage and hope to your members who are followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.

今日指導 二月六日

信心是充實內心, 豐富智慧以及引向一個美滿生活的原動力, 從而為地域的繁榮作出貢獻.
名譽, 學歷或外表都不是幸福的保證.

Faith is the source of power which enables one to become rich at heart, rich in wisdom and lead a prosperous daily life, thereby contributing to the prosperity of one's community.
Honour or fame in no way guarantees happiness.
Neither does academic achievement or physical appearance.
The greatest wealth lies in chanting daimoku.

星期二, 2月 05, 2008

今日指導 二月五日

絕對不許縱容自己, 因為那將免不了會導致失敗的人生.
你必須在勤勵學習和不斷掙扎中, 加強信心, 磨練自己的生命.

Never allow yourself to be spoiled, for that way inevitably leads to defeat in life.
You must deepen your faith and polish your while studying hard and experiencing repeated struggles.

星期一, 2月 04, 2008

今日指導 二月四日

當你不自惜身命, 持續一生的信心時, 你可以達到一生成佛.
那麼你能以跨越一世又一世的佛界為根本, 建立一個永不崩潰的"我".
如果你在半途放棄信心, 這個本應永遠發出光輝的佛界將被消滅.

When you persevere in faith throughout your life, without begrudging your life, you can attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.
Then you can build an etenally indestructible "self" based on the condition of Buddhahood that spans lifetime after lifetime.
If you give up your Buddhahood, which should shine on for eternity, will be extinguished.

今日指導 二月三日

這就是信心, 也是通往重要進展的道路.

Keep your daily life fresh and abreast of hte times.
This is faith, and the road to vital progress.
A tired life-condition means you are defeated.

今日指導 二月二日

正如人造衛星正確地跟隨一固定的宇宙軌道一般, 唱題與折伏將能使生命置於永恆的幸福軌道上.
因此, 為了你本身, 請繼續以希望與勇氣在信心的大道上邁步.

Just as a satellite percisely follows a fixed orbit in space, the practice of chanting daimoku and shakubuku will place one's life on an eternal "orbit" of happiness.
Therefore, for your own sake, please continue to travel the great path of faith with hope and courage.