星期六, 5月 17, 2008

今日指導 五月十七日

然而, 如果連這一點也動搖的話, 一切將以混淆不清之態出現.

A profound connection between the Gohonzon and oneself is the basic posture of faith.
All we have to do is perceive everything form this standpoint.
However, if one is shaken on this single point, then everything will appear to him in a distorted way.

星期五, 5月 16, 2008

今日指導 五月十六日

信心是確信, 而確信是力量與希望.
缺乏確信的人將會受惡緣動搖, 被消極的批評擊倒.

Faith is confidence, and confidence means strength and hope.
A person who lacks confidence will tend to be swayed by devilish influences and be defeated by negative criticism.
Compromising with the trend of the times, he will estrange himself from the depths of faith.

星期三, 5月 14, 2008

今日指導 五月十五日

在繼續生活當兒, 你應該知道與其談論過去的宿業, 不如向御本尊, 這大功德的泉源勇敢地唱誦題目更具有價值.
這樣的生活方式將使你獲得他人的信賴, 從而開拓向廣宣流布的道路.

You should know that rather than talking about your past karma, it is hundreds of times to the Gohonzon, the source of tremendous benefit, as you continue to live your life.
Living in such a way will enable you to gain the confidence ans understanding of others, thereby opening the way towards kosen-rufu.

星期二, 5月 13, 2008

今日指導 五月十四日

欲將過去的罪障消滅, 確立未來幸福的人生, 並在現實生活中享有大功德, 我們就非實踐勤行不可.

To eradicate bad karma from the past, establish a life of good fortune in the future, and enjoy great benefit amid the realities of daily life, we must carry out the practice of gongyo.

星期一, 5月 12, 2008

今日指導 五月十三日

宿業苦, 憂傷與悲哀常在生命中留下污迹並沉澱其中, 形成一種愈益苦惱的傾向性.
然而通過信心, 可去除業苦的污泥, 使自身的佛界發出光輝.

Karmic suffering, grief and sorrow ordinarily leave their stains and residue in the mind, creating a tendency towards further anguish.
If the gold in one's heart is encased in mud, its radiance cannot be seen.
Through karmic suffering and allow the light of his inherent Buddhahood to shine forth.

今日指導 五月十二日

人生是一段克服病痛, 保持健康與長壽的掙扎.

Life must be called a perpetual battle with the demon of sickness.
It is miserable to be stuck down halfway through life by the suffering of illness.
Life is a struggle to surmount illness, to be healthy ans live long.
The fundamental power that makes this possible is the Mystic Law, and our faith in it.