星期五, 6月 06, 2008

今日指導 六月六日

在日常生活, 尤其是在錢財方面不負責任的人, 絕對不會是信心強者.
緊記着這點, 並實踐"信心即生活"的原理.

Those irresponsible in their daily lives--especially in regard to money--are never individuals of strong faith.
Bear this in mind and uphold the principle of "faith equals daily life".

星期四, 6月 05, 2008

今日指導 六月五日

無論你的境況如何, 信心的一念使你打開內心的幸福宮殿並建立一個在各方面都很充實的人生.
對御本尊與廣宣流布的達成所持的堅強一念, 將打開你的生命的每一層面.

No matter what your circumstance, it is your ichinen of faith that enables you to open the palace of happiness that exists within you and establish a life that is fulfilled in every respect.
This is the purpose of faith and Buddhist practice.
Your powerful ichinen directed towards the Gohonzon and the accomplishment of kosen-rufu will cause every aspect of your life to unfold.

星期三, 6月 04, 2008

今日指導 六月四日

若缺乏信心, 世俗的苦惱將增加不幸的因.
這些根本的苦惱將成為宿命完全改變, 步向成佛大道與完美人格的力量.

Without faith, worldly sufferings function to increase the causes which lead to unhappiness.
Embracing Myoho allows one to transform fundamental sufferings, or earthly desires, into enlightenment.
These fundamental sufferings then become the power which enables one to undergo a complete change of destiny, and travel towards the great path of enlightenment and perfected character.
This is the greatness of faith.

星期二, 6月 03, 2008

今日指導 六月三日

我們必須確保熱情與確信在我們的生命中燃燒, 以便為所遇見的每一個人帶來勇氣與希望.
由此, 我們便能成為真正的領導者.

One who can always give courage and hope to others is great.
To bring courage and hope to each person we meet, we must make sure that passion and conviction burn bright in our lives.
Thus we will become true leaders.

星期一, 6月 02, 2008

今日指導 六月二日

當某國家內唱題的人數增加時, 這個國家可說是處於朝向實現立正安國, 即是通過宣弘本門佛法以"安國"的道路上.
當然, 一個國家要和平, 其鄰國也必須和平.
當每一個國家都領悟到"立正安國"的原理時, 真正的世界和平方可實現.

When the number of people in a particular who chant daimoku grows, it can be said that the nation is on a course towards realising rissho ankoku, or securing the peace of the land through propagation of true Buddhism.
Of course, for one country to be at peace, its neighbouring countries must also be at peace.
True world peace can be established when each individual nation realise this principle of rissho ankoku.