星期五, 12月 26, 2008

今日發心 -- 認識自己

但雖云唱持妙法蓮華經, 若思己心之外有法, 則全非妙法, 而是粗法矣!


今日發心 -- 互相信賴共同成長

又雖是持法華經之人, 或以貪瞋癡, 或以世間事, 或因各種行動, 而有憎恨法華經行者之事。
此等人雖信法華經, 而無功德, 反蒙罰焉。


今日發心 -- 畏怯者不會勝利

軍以大將軍為魂, 大將軍畏縮, 則步兵不前。


今日發心 -- 寸善尺魔

然, 偶或生得為人之時, 名聞名利之風烈, 而佛道修行之燈易滅.
無益之事, 耗盡財寶不惜, 獨於佛法僧懶不稍作供養, 此事不容輕忽.
地獄使之所為也, 寸善尺魔之謂者是矣!


今日發心 -- 逆境造就人才

鐵以錐鍊而成劍, 賢聖必試之以罵詈.


星期日, 12月 14, 2008

今日發心 -- 鹬蚌相爭

内生論議, 是鹬蚌相爭, 漁翁得利也。


星期六, 12月 06, 2008

今日發心 -- 石虎將軍的故事

矢能貫石, 是欲報復仇之至信故。


今日發心 -- 妙是蘇生之義

妙者,蘇生之義; 蘇生者, 復蘇之義。


今日發心 -- 一家和樂在於婦女

以次法門之故,縱令為夫殺害, 勿悔。


今日發心 -- 功德善根在於一念

唱佛名,讀經書, 散花拈香,皆納於我一念之功德善根也, 須具次信心也。


星期日, 11月 30, 2008

今日發心 -- 自覺祟高的使命

是由過去的宿緣, 今度來成日蓮弟子者歟!
釋迦, 多寶當有知矣.
[在在諸佛土, 常與師俱生], 豈是虛事也.


今日發心 -- 瞭解生的意義

人身難受, 如爪上土; 人身難持, 如早上露.
壽百二十而污名以死, 何如一日之生而揚其名!


今日發心 -- 妙法是一切經典的精髓

南無妙法蓮華經非僅為一代之肝心, 乃法華經之心也, 體也, 所詮也.


星期三, 11月 19, 2008

今日發心 -- 有實證而有佛法

日蓮試觀佛法, 無逾於道理與證文, 又, 道理證文猶不及現證.

星期二, 11月 18, 2008

今日發心 -- 何謂法華的血脈相承

過去法華經結緣強盛故, 現在受持此經, 未來成就佛果之事, 不可有疑!
過去之生死, 現在之生死, 未來之生死, 三世生死不離法華經, 是云法華之血脈相承也.

星期一, 11月 17, 2008

今日發心 -- 開花結果

花開成果, 月出必滿.
燈以添油而增光, 草木得雨而榮.

星期六, 11月 01, 2008

今日指導 十一月二日

最終, 只有你本身曉得自己的信心處於什麼狀態.
無論會發生什麼事, 我希望你能穩健且忠誠地保持着那種能建立幸福的信心.

Ultimately you alone know the condition of your faith.
I hope that, no matter what may happen, you will steadily and faithfully maintain the kind of faith that can build happiness.

今日指導 十一月一日

在這個時候, 你千萬不可猶豫, 退轉或作出任何一件令你將來後悔的事.

It is at critical moments that the great path to enlightenment unfolds.
Stand up with the conviction that you can break through all obstacles.
At such times you must not vacillate, retreat, or do anything else that will later give you cause for regret.

今日指導 十月卅十一日


A person who makes serious efforts to achieve a great goal does not overlook even the slightest details.
One who neglects small things will never amount to much.

星期三, 10月 29, 2008

今日指導 十月三十日

痛苦有無數種, 我們應該了解的是, 當我們受到嚴酷的痛苦時, 也正是挑戰與轉換宿業, 以及打開大福運之門的時候.

There are innumerable types of suffering.
What we should realise is that the times when we suffer severely are also when we challenge and change our karma, and unlock the door to great good fortune.
True happiness means to establish a condition in which we can gladly face even the greatest suffering and overcome it.

今日指導 十月二十九日


Those who practise Buddhism should be strictly warned against committing slander, and they should guard closely against arrogance.
It is most dangerous for one who practises Buddhism to vainly exhaust his inner life-force by giving free rein to his arrogant mind.

今日指導 十月二十八日

你必須小心言詞, 因為慈悲的話能感動一個人, 而輕率的話則會使他的心靈深受創傷.

Take great care with your words.
For compassionate talk can move a person, while an inconsiderate word can leave his heart deeply wounded.

星期一, 10月 27, 2008

今日指導 十月二十七日

青年是未來的希望, 少男少女是明日的寶藏.
信賴青年對他們抱有期望, 並對少男少女由衷的愛護與珍惜是我們首要的責任.
否則, 世人將無法看到一個布滿芬芳花朵的沃土的未來.

Youth are the hope of the future.
Boys and girls are the treasure of tomorrow.
It is our foremost responsibility to place trust in and cherish boys and girls from the bottom of our hearts.
Otherwise, the peoples of the world will never see a future of rich fields alive with fragrant flowers.

星期六, 10月 25, 2008

今日指導 十月二十六日

生命是一連串的勝利與失敗, 因此, 要使你的生命冠以榮耀, 首先就必須建立穩固的基礎, 以便能勇敢地面對任何困難.

Life is a continuous series of victories and defeat.
Therefore, to crown your life with glory, you must first construct a firm foundation, and then you will be able to brave any difficult.

今日指導 十月二十五日

因此, 縱然一整年的日子都是陰霾或多風暴的, 也絕不要忘記, 你還是能夠讓心中的太陽燦爛地照耀着.

He is most happy who embraces the sun of kuon ganjo within his life.
Therefore, throughout the year, though the days may be overcast or stormy, never forget that you can let the sun within your heart shine brilliantly.

今日指導 十月二十四日

如果春是蓬勃的象徵, 那秋就是理性的季節.
如果夏是盡情歡慶的時候, 那冬定是磨練的季節.
因此, 我選擇歷經人生四季的道路, 以便過着無價的人生.

If spring is symbolic of vibrant activity, then autumn is the season of the mind; and if summer is the time of impassioned celebration, then winter must be the season of training.
Thus I have chosen to walk a path through the four seasons of life so as to live with infinite value.

星期三, 10月 22, 2008

今日指導 十月二十三日

在信心方面, 如果你害怕困難的話, 那就不能使自己成長.

A skilled pilot must be able to guide the plane through in the atmosphere.
In faith, if you are afraid of difficulties, then you yourself cannot grow.

今日指導 十月二十二日

一名真正的幹事是當會友們感到極度痛苦時, 立即幫助他們並嘗試引導他們走向幸福之道的人.

A genuine leader is one who springs to the aid of those who are suffering from the greatest pain and agony in an attempt to lead them to happiness.

星期一, 10月 20, 2008

今日指導 十月二十一日

勝利固然重要, 但更重要的是建立一個在任何情況下都不會被擊敗的自我.
佛又稱為能忍, 即一個能夠忍耐的人.
因此, 年輕人必須牢記, 辛勤地在自己生命深處建立忍耐力的基礎是有必要的.

Although victory is important, it is more important for one to construct a self which will not be defeated under any circumstances.
The Buddha is called Nonin, one who can endure.
Thus young people must bear in mind the need to painstakingly build a foundation of endurance in the depths of their lives.

今日指導 十月二十日


The path to attaining Buddhahood or true happiness consists alone in chanting daimoku to the Dai-Gohonzon of the Three Great Secret Laws and carrying through with the practice of faith for oneself and others.

星期日, 10月 19, 2008

今日指導 十月十九日

如果你年紀尚輕就成爲幹事, 那麽聼取長輩們的意見是很重要的.
相反的, 如果你已有相當的年紀才當幹事, 那麽你就得聆聽小輩們的意見.

If you become a leader while you are still young, it is important to listen to the opinions of your seniors.
Conversely, if you become a leader when you are already along in years, you must listen to the opinions of those who are younger than you.

今日指導 十月十八日

你的一生或許會有許多問題與痛苦, 不過, 我希望你能向它們挑戰.
要記得, "困難是最佳的教育".
這種挑戰能使你磨練自己並培養美德, 也將幫助你的孩子卓越地成長.

There may be many problems and suffering in your lives, but I hope that you will challenge them, remembering that "difficulties are the greatest education."
This kind of challenge enables you to polish yourself and develop your virtues, which will in turn help your children grow splendidly.

今日指導 十月十七日

關鍵性的一點是要栽培更多年輕會友, 使他們比我們更能幹.

We must never underestimate the important of people in our activities for kosen-rufu.
The crucial point is to foster younger members so that they will become even more capable than ourselves.

星期六, 10月 18, 2008

今日指導 - 第三集 ~ 十月十八日

為信念而活的人是堅強的。即使最初看似敗了, 但最後必將放出勝利者的光輝。為信念而活的人, 其人格生輝, 分辨清善惡, 能順著軌道一直前進。

Those who live true to their convictions are strong. Even if at one time it may appear that they have lost, in the end they will shine with human victory. The character and integrity of those who live based on their convictions shine. They can clearly distinguish what is good and what is evil, and advance unerringly on their chosen path in life.

星期五, 10月 17, 2008

今日指導 - 第二集 ~ 十月十七日


The husband is not the centre of the relationship, nor is the wife. It's not a question of who is the leader or who must make himself or herself a sacrifice for the other's success and happiness. Just as a song is a marriage of music and lyrics, husband and wife are equal individuals who, at the same time, perform a single melody of life together. What is important, I think, is how beautiful a song those two life partners can create together.

星期三, 10月 15, 2008

今日指導 十月十六日

實際上, 在幕後默默耕耘的人當中往往有許多才華洋溢的人.

You cannot judge a person's character simply on the basis of his position or appearance.
Rather, there are often many talented people among those who labour silently in the background.

今日指導 十月十五日

雖然理想很重要, 但缺乏現實的平衡是不能在實際生活的奮鬥中帶來勝利的.
相反地, 喪失了理想的現實生活將會很快地陷入純粹的丑陋中.

Although idealism is very important, idealism without a balancing touch of realism cannot bring victory in the struggles of real life.
On the other hand, a reality bereft of ideals will quickly sink into mere ugliness.

星期二, 10月 14, 2008

今日指導 十月十四日

如果你只因生活上的一點挫折而一味地煩惱, 嘆息, 這最終將會導致失敗的一生.
失敗其實是養精蓄銳的時候, 你必須將它作為跳板, 那麼勝利會接踵而至.

If you do nothing but fret and sigh because of a set-back on one front of life, this can end up bringing your whole life down in defeat.
A defeat is the time to build up your energies; you must make defeat the stepping-off point for the victories that will follow.

今日指導 十月十三日

即使是受持御本尊, 如果缺乏信心的話, 祈願將不會實現, 功德亦不會到來.

Even though one may embrace the Gohonzon, if he lacks faith, his prayers will not be answered and no benefit will be forthcoming.

星期日, 10月 12, 2008

今日指導 十月十二日

由於生命中積聚着福運, 因此就算是最大的障礙, 你也肯定地能將之克服.

With all your efforts in the practice of faith you will accumulate an infinite amount of good fortune.
Due to the fortune stored in your life, you will definitely be able to overcome even the greatest obstacles.

今日指導 十月十一日

若你保持對御本尊的信心到臨終一刻, 將可避免陷入悲哀的黑暗中, 即使處在死亡階段, 亦能享有最高的境涯.

If you maintain your faith in the Gohonzon until the last moment of your life, you will be able to escape the darkness of sorrow and enjoy the highest possible condition even in the phase of death.

星期三, 10月 08, 2008

今日指導 十月十日

在妙法的世界裡, 無人不具有使命.
給有才幹的人適當的責任, 以讓他們竭盡所能.
切記, 只要我們讓他人有機會展示其才能, 便能看到他們的優點.

In the world of Mystic Law no one us without a mission.
Give capable persons the appropriate responsibility, so as to enable them to give their best.
Never forget that we can see good in others when we give them a chance to show their ability.

今日指導 十月九日

聯絡與報告是組織的神經, 因為迅速與準確的聯絡, 讓我們保護會友, 從而帶來勝利.

Contacting and reporting are the nerves of the organisation, because rapid and accurate communication, with which we can protect our members, will bring about our victory.

星期二, 10月 07, 2008

今日指導 十月八日

最重要的是, 你是否能在臨終時, 享有安寧與不受束縛的生命境涯, 使你確信自己並沒留下未完成的工作, 也絲毫不感到後悔.
同時, 確信你已在人生中獲勝而且獲的最大的滿足感--這是一生成佛的實証.

What matters most is whether or not, at the end of your life, you can enjoy a peaceful and unbounded condition which enables you to say with confidence that you have left nothing undone and have not a single regret, that you have won in life and are filled with the deepest possible satisfaction--the proof of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

今日指導 十月七日

御本尊賦予無盡與絕對的佛力和法力, 但, 我們依據本身的信力和行力以取得這兩者.
因此, 清純與強盛的信心是必要的.

The Gohonzon is endowed with the limitless and absolute powers of the Buddha and the Law, but we receive them according to our powers of faith and practice.
Thus, pure, strong faith is essential.

星期一, 10月 06, 2008

今日指導 十月六日

在任何一種事業中, 先驅者都會遭到批評.
只要忍受得了這種批評, 他們便能證明自己努力的價值所在.
因此, 你不應成為那種會被細小的障礙或困難所擊敗的人.
當你遇到嚴重的問題時, 千萬不要愚蠢得退轉信心, 抱怨, 或開始批評我們的運動.

In any endeavour, pioneers are subject to criticism.
They will prove the value of their effort as they withstand such criticism.
Therefore, you should not become the kind of people who can be defeated by small obstacles or difficulties.
You should never be so foolish as to backslide in your faith, complain or begin to criticize our movement when you meet a severe problem.

星期六, 10月 04, 2008



祝您與西國公子百年好合, 永結同心, 年生貴子, 三年抱兩..........................廣宣流布!!!!!

今日指導 十月五日

我相信, 使人真正地成為人的是, 他不單為己, 也為鄰居, 社會, 以及全人類盡責的能力.

What makes man truly human is, I believe, his ability to act not only for his own sake but for the sake of his neighbours, society and the entire human race.

今日指導 十月四日

由於我們是凡夫, 我們會遭受種種痛苦與煩惱.
然而, 無論境遇如何, 你却是依你的誓言誕生在這世上.
因此, 你要自覺本身的使命, 無論如何, 都務必將它完成不可.

Because we are common mortals, we may suffer pains and troubles.
However, no matter what your situation may be, you were born into this world in accordance with your vows.
So, please be aware of your mission and accomplish it no matter what.

今日指導 十月三日

我們都有欲知道將來是甚樣的傾向, 即使是一丁點也好.
但是身為凡夫, 我們只能知道眼前的事, 然而, 佛却能完全地看透前世, 今世與來世.

We have a tendency to want to know even a little of what the future holds.
But, being common mortals, we only know what is immediately before us.
However, the vision of the Buddha perfectly penetrates the three existences.
There is no way that the prayer of a person of strong faith will not be answered.



恭喜你呀..戰友, 我任務完成, 聽晚一定同各位飲多杯!!!

星期四, 10月 02, 2008

今日指導 十月二日

從容的人能正確地判斷事物, 而愴促急切間的判斷則會曲解事物.

A humble person is usually composed, while an arrogant person is often impatient.
A composed person can assess things correctly, while a person in a hurry always see things in a distorted way.

今日指導 十月一日

那些稱讚並宣弘正法的人是智者, 他們能給予他人永恆的幸福, 本身亦以擁有永恆的福運與善因.

Those who praise and propagate the Great Law are people of wisdom who can give eternal happiness to others and who already possess eternal good fortune and good causes in themselves.

星期二, 9月 30, 2008

今日指導 九月三十日

總之, 個人的人間革命是信心最不可少的.
重要的是會友的飽滿人性, 對生活的態度, 以及家庭狀况, 應該是受人尊崇得足以使他人信服信仰的偉大, 從而使本門佛法自然地流布開去.

In the final analysis, individual human revolution is most vital in faith.
The important point is that the members' rich humanity, their attitude towards living, and the condition of their families should be respect worthy enough to convince others of the greatness of their faith and thereby cause true Buddhism to spread naturally.

星期一, 9月 29, 2008

今日指導 九月二十九日

在你朝夕向着廣宣流布進發的同時, 請相信, 你那配套"信心即生活", "信心即社會" 的原理生活的一念或決心, 將為生命帶來鑽石般永遠璀璨亮麗的幸福.

Please be confident that your ichinen, or determination, to live in accord with the principles of "faith equals daily life" and "faith equals society," as you aim towards kosen-rufu both night and day, will give rise to a happiness in life which will shine as brilliantly as a diamond, throughout eternity.

今日指導 九月二十八日

當你歸命於御本尊並繼續磨練信心時, 自然地你就會了解自己.

Faith is like a mirror in which you can see your true self.
It is a mirror for polishing your character.
As you devote yourself to the Gohonzon and continue to polish your faith, you will come to know yourself naturally.

今日指導 九月二十七日

你應該深深地自覺到我們的廣布之役, 亦即日蓮大聖人的御遺願是一連串無休止的障礙與嚴峻的奮鬥.
倘若抱着得過且過的態度, 一味追求功德, 或信心修行處於被動, 平靜, 又或逃避任何痛處和挑戰的話, 你將無法完成任何大事.

You should be deeply aware that our battle for kosen-rufu, the will of Nichiren Daishonin, is an endless succession of obstacles, and severe struggles.
If you pursue nothing but benefit with an easy-going attitude, or if you practise faith in a passive, uneventful way, avoiding any kind of pain or challenge, you will never accomplish anything great.

星期五, 9月 26, 2008

今日指導 九月二十六日

無論個人的境況如何, 重要的是, 我們能夠使生命境涯得到多大的發展.
無論目前身處的境況如何, 信心的回報在於我們保持一個洋溢着喜悅的生命境涯的能力.

Whatever our individual circumstances, the important thing is how much we can develop and deepen our life-condition.
No matter what situation we may be in now, the great reward of faith lies in our ability to maintain a state of life which is overflowing with joy.

今日指導 九月二十五日

不過, 冥益的大樹絕不會倒下.
因此, 信心的根一定要壯且深.

A small tree cannot stand up alone against a severe blizzard.
Nor can a tree with weak or shallow roots face a violent storm.
However, the great tree of inconspicuous benefit will never collapse or be toppled.
Therefore, the roots of our faith must be strong and deep.

星期三, 9月 24, 2008

今日指導 九月二十四日

如果你被自身的弱點擊敗, 就不能成為偉大的領導者, 在任何困難的境况下維持強盛的信心並積極地過着其青年時期, 最終將能成為出色的領導者.

You cannot be a great leader if you are defeated by your own weakness.
One who maintains strong faith and lives his youth vigorously under any difficult circumstances will eventually grow into an excellent leader.

今日指導 九月二十三日

如果你有勇氣, 就可成為社會中的人才.
你也能克服本身的弱點, 將生命從消極至幸福與善的道路.

Whether or not you have courage will greatly influence your happiness.
If you have courage, you can become a capable person within society.
You can also overcome your own weakness, and direct your life form a course of negativity and suffering towards one of happiness and virtue.

今日指導 九月二十二日


One's life changes form moment to moment.
Whether these changes will lead you to improvement or to corruption depends on whether you possess a constant determination or ichinen to improve your life, along with the changes you experience form day to day.

星期五, 9月 19, 2008

今日指導 九月二十一日

如果缺乏勇氣, 那麼其苦難的種種經歷將轉為埋怨及對他人的不滿.
結果, 你只會感到孤寂與後悔.

If one lacks courage, all of his experiences of hardship will turn into complaints and resentment towards others.
He will them lose confidence in faith as well as the energy to move forward.
As a result, he will feel nothing but bitter loneliness and regret.

今日指導 九月二十日

你應該切記的一點, 就是千萬別對會友懷有怨嫉, 否則, 你的功德將會消滅.

There is one point which you should keep in mind.
You must never bear ill feelings towards your fellow members.
If you do so, you will erase your benefits.

今日指導 九月十九日

我們拜讀與學習入<<開目抄>>這類御書是為了使我們接觸日蓮大聖人廣大無邊的御境界, 從而建立一個牢固的信心基礎.
因此, 希望你們在穩固的基礎上, 繼續拜讀御書.

What is the significance of reading the gosho?
It lies in deepening one's faith and preventing oneself form backsliding.
The reason why we read and study writings like "The Opening of the Eyes" is that by doing so, we are able to come into contact with Nichiren Daishonin's boundless life-condition and thereby build a solid foundation for our own faith.
Therefore, I would like to ask you to continue reading the gosho on a steady basis.

今日指導 九月十八日

表面上看來, 一個人似乎身受深重的宿業果報.
不過, 當我們以強盛的信心與三世永恆的生命觀看待事物時, 就可明白依據"轉重輕受"的原理, 這其實是以較輕的形式承受宿業果報.
受持妙法, 並喜悅地促進廣宣流布活動的人是絕不會感到不快樂的.

On the surface, one may appear to be suffering form the effects of heavy karma.
However, when we view things form the standpoint of strong faith and the eternal perspective of past, present and future, one will realise that he is presently receiving the effects of his past karma in a much lightened form, in accord with the principle of "lessening one's karmic retribution" (tenju kyoju).
One who embraces the law of Myoho, and joyfully promotes activities for kosen-rufu, will absolutely never be unhappy.

今日指導 九月十七日

無論如何, 請為了廣宣流布而推進充滿喜悅的活動.

Actions based on suffering and those based on joy are as different as fire and water.
No matter what, please promote joy-filled activities for kosen-rufu.

星期三, 9月 17, 2008

今日指導 九月十六日

基於"因果俱時"的原理, 這一瞬間的題目與信心的一念所形成的因將於稍後顯現.

Even our eternal journey through time is included in this single moment of life.
An individual's daimoku and determination in faith at this moment form causes that will later become manifest, based on the principle of the simultaneity of cause and effect.
For this reason, your ichinen at this very moment is the most important issue in the Daishonin's Buddhism.

星期二, 9月 16, 2008

今日指導 九月十五日

無論在組織裡表現得多麼有口才, 或多麼地出色, 如果忽略了勤行, 就絕不能長久地持續下去.

No matter how eloquent one may be, or how excellently one may appear to behave within the organisation, if he neglects the practice of gongyo, if he neglects the practice of gongyo, he will never be able to continue for long.
This is because the world of the Gakkai is none other than the pure world of faith.

今日指導 九月十四日

憑着決心, 一個人生活中的煩惱和痛苦將會減半, 而他也能鼓起勇氣, 克服任何的困難.

One must live with firm resolution.
This should be the attitude of one who practises faith.
One who lives with determination is strong.
Thanks to his determination, his trouble and suffering in life will be reduced by half, and he will be able to summon forth the courage to surmount any difficulty.

今日指導 九月十三日

活着以履行廣布使命的我們, 應成為那種幼輩會說出: "我真的要跟着他的腳步, 實踐強盛的信心修行." 的人.
當然, 力量不是指炫燿自己的偉大, 而是堅強的自信與強盛的信心.

We, who live to fulfill our mission for kosen-rufu, should become the kind of people of whom our juniors will say, "I really want to follow in his footsteps and carry out a strong practice of faith."
President Toda called such people leaders.
Of course, strength does not mean to show off one's greatness.
Rather, it means strong confidence and strong faith.

星期五, 9月 12, 2008

今日指導 九月十二日

今生磨練信心時, 我們會遭受到一些障礙, 以及源自宿業不同程度的苦痛.
然而, 若以過去, 現在與未來的永恆觀點視之, 這些障礙, 苦痛實在是微不足道的.
當我們奮起, 向弘教與挽救人們的問題挑戰時, 我們將不會被細小的困難所困撓或動搖.

As we carry out our faith in this lifetime, we will experience some obstacles as well as various degrees of suffering arising from our karma.
However, when viewed form our eternal perspective of past, present and future, these things are truly insignificant.
When we stand up and challenge the great problem of spreading the Law and saving the people, we will not be captured or swayed by minor difficulties.

星期四, 9月 11, 2008

今日指導 九月十一日

我們必須敏鋭地知道, 當一個人在精神頽喪, 生病, 或有問題時, 鼓勵對他是極端重要的.
即使是衷心的一個字, 片言隻語, 也可能改善他的一生.

We must be keenly aware that when a person is suffering form a weak spirit, from sickness, or form other problems, encouragement is extremely important.
Even a single word of heartfelt encouragement may change a person's entire life for the better.

今日指導 九月十日

因此一個人信心之一念越清純, 御本尊就越快, 越深地對祈求作出反應.
記住, 這正是信心的極理與大聖人佛法的正確修行.

The Gohonzon is the pure, incomparable entity of Buddhahood.
Therefore, the purer one's ichinen of faith, the more quickly and profoundly the Gohonzon will respond to one's prayers.
Remember that herein lies the ultimate principle of faith and the correct practice of the Daishonin's Buddhism.

星期二, 9月 09, 2008

今日指導 九月九日

即使是修行信心, 你依然會患病或遭遇其他種種問題.
然而通過"煩惱即菩提"的原理, 一切問題將會變成幸福的基礎, 將你引向成佛.
請你們明白, 促成這一轉變的, 就是信心.

Even though you practise faith, you may still suffer form illness or various other problems.
However, through the principle of "earthly desires are enlightenment," all problems become the foundation for your happiness, leading you towards enlightenment.
Please understand that faith is what allows this transformation to take place.

星期一, 9月 08, 2008

今日指導 九月八日

我希望你勤勵於勤行與題目, 以便自己過着最大滿足的人生.

I would like you to be diligent in the practice of gongyo and daimoku so that you will lead a life of ultimate satisfaction.
The Gohonzon embodies the highest of all laws.
No path in life is more significant than one based on chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon.

星期日, 9月 07, 2008

今日指導 九月七日

年輕時, 由於不可能了解一切事物, 也不可能完全毫無拘束地取得進展, 因此, 憂慮, 煩惱是自然的.
記住, 這充滿問題與痛苦的困惑時期, 其實是使你投向一個完滿與充實的未來的一塊沃土.

Youth is a time of worries and troubles.
This is only natural, since one cannot possibly understand everything and make completely unrestricted progress while still young.
Remember that this confused period of problems and suffering serves, rather, as fertile ground form which to launch oneself towards a complete and fulfilling future.

今日指導 九月六日

否則, 你便無法擊敗自己生命裡的"魔", 這個"魔"令你項追求個人名利的這種慾望妥協.
因此, 除非你保持純潔的信心, 不然, 你將會不能邁向幸福的境界.

Your faith should always be pure, otherwise, you will be unable to defeat the "devil" that exists within your own life.
This devil leads you to compromise with such tendencies as the desire to seek self-centred fame and gain.
Therefore, you will be unable to advance towards a condition of happiness unless you maintain pure faith.

星期五, 9月 05, 2008

今日指導 九月五日

請在御本尊無限功德的圍繞下, 渡過你的一生, 並且打開你內在無邊際的宮殿.
在你循着信心之道--一條人類所能追隨的最崇高之道上行走時, 應自豪和英勇地獻身於廣宣流布,

Please spend your entire lives embraced by the infinite benefit of the Gohonzon, and open within yourself a boundless inner palace.
Proudly and valiantly devote yourself to kosen-rufu as you walk the path of faith, the highest path a human being can follow, and lead the most splendid kind of existence.

星期四, 9月 04, 2008

今日指導 九月四日

希望你能實踐信心, 以渡過一個明朗愉快的人生.
你應該持續明朗, 愉快的信心, 以及喜悅的折伏行.
我最大的希望就是你能日復一日地過着明朗, 愉快的生活, 永遠燃燒着對前途的希望火花.

I hope you will practise faith so that you may live a bright, cheerful existence.
To this end, you should carry through with bright and cheerful faith, and a joyful practice of shakubuku.
My deepest hope is that you will live a bright and cheerful life, day by day, always burning with hope for the future.

星期三, 9月 03, 2008

今日指導 九月三日

無論一個人過的是怎樣的生活, 當他與妙法結緣時, 即使僅那麼一次, 佛界的"金剛寶器"便開始在他生命中顯現出來.

When a person forms a relationship with the Law of Myoho even once, no matter what kind of life he leads, he begins to develop within himself a "diamond vessel" of Buddhahood.
The prerequisite for both lasting world peace and happiness for all mankind lies in creating a fortress for peace and happiness in the life of each individual.

今日指導 九月二日

掌握佛道修行的精髓, 這個人生的目的在於我們對生命的意義能有多充分的了解以及在目前的環境中對個人的使命能有多深厚的感覺.

Mastering the essence of Buddhist practice, which is the purpose of life, lies how fully we can grasp the significance of our lives, and how deeply we can sense our own individual mission in the environment where we find ourselves now.
This is the key point of our faith.

星期一, 9月 01, 2008

今日指導 九月一日

這是個完全自由, 毫無拘束的生命境涯, 我們可在其內永遠享有常樂我淨.
於內的佛界中的"我"在六道循環的現實生活中, 展開各種活動完成我們達到廣宣流布和挽救眾生脫離苦海的使命.

The life of Buddhahood spans eternity.
It is a completely free and unrestricted state of life in which we can always enjoy the enlightened properties of eternity, happiness, true self and purity (jo raku ga jo).
With this "self" of Buddhahood hidden within us, we carry out our various activities in the reality of the lower Six Worlds to fulfill our mission to accomplish kosen-rufu and to save all people from suffering.

星期五, 8月 29, 2008

今日指導 八月三十一日

目前你可能在日常生活中, 有着種種的憂慮, 不過, 妙法能使你以沈着的態度解決一切問題, 使之成為成長的跳板.
它也促使你在日復日, 月復月, 年復年中渡過充實與最有價值的人生.

You may have various worries right now in your daily life.
However, it is the Mystic Law which enables you to solve any and all problems with composure, making them a spring-board for your further growth.
It also enables you to live out your life with total fulfillment and in the most valuable way, day after day, month after month, and year after year.

今日指導 八月三十日

如果你將時間浪費在猶豫, 埋怨或批評他人中, 或屈服於自身的惰性, 你的青春將會不知不覺間自你身邊溜走.

Life passes quickly.
If you waste your time in hesitation, complaining or criticing others, or if you yield to you own lazy nature, before you know it, your youth will have passed you by.
Each and every day is very important.
It is my hope that you will spend a fulfilled life.

今日指導 八月二十九日

那些保持堅定不移的決意, 絕不放棄信心的人, 必定會受到十方諸佛的守護.

It is certain that those who maintain an immovable determination never to discard faith will receive the protection of all Buddhas.

星期四, 8月 28, 2008

今日指導 八月二十八日

職責, 社會地位與財富全都具有各自相對的重要性.
不過, 歸根究底, 真正的幸福却是決定於個人的生命境涯.

Position, social status and wealth all have their own relative importance, but, in the final analysis, real happiness is determined by one's state of life.

星期三, 8月 27, 2008

今日指導 八月二十七日

唯有憑借南無妙法蓮華經這至高無上的法則, 才能轉變原本注定要承受的痛苦, 並且一生過着人類所渴求的幸福人生.
為此, 信心是很重要的.

Only by means of the supreme law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can one change the suffering to which is he is destined.
He can also enjoy happiness throughout his life, which is the desire of all human beings.
For this purpose, faith is essential.

星期二, 8月 26, 2008

今日指導 八月二十六日

在生活, 工作, 或任何其他方面遇到困難, 並不可恥.
重要的是自己的信心, 以及如何能轉換自己的宿命.

There is no shame in having troubles in life, work, or any other area.
Nor is there any need to lose self-confidence on that account .
What matters is your faith, and how you can change your destiny.
Always maintain a faith that is directly connected to the Gohonzon.

星期一, 8月 25, 2008

今日指導 八月二十五日

你可能正面臨由於種種問題與障礙而起的境况, 使你無法如願前進.
但是, 你目前的辛勞肯定地會使你在未來得到巨大的發展.

You may now be faced with a situation in which, because of various problems and obstacles, you are unable to advance as you would wish.
However, your present painstaking efforts definitely ensure that you will experience great development in the future.

星期六, 8月 23, 2008

今日指導 八月二十四日

在佛法上, 每一個人都好比是自然世界.
無論你的環境絕得如冬天陰沉沉的天空般惡劣, 都要記得, 春夏之花正等着在你心中綻放.

Buddhism looks upon the individual human being as comparable to the natural world.
No matter how hopelessly adverse your circumstances may be, like a gloomy, winter sky, remember that the flowering seasons of spring and summer are waiting in your heart to blossom.

今日指導 八月二十三日

在成長的過程中, 你將會在兩者之間選擇其一.
若是向善方走, 幸福之道將逐漸為你展開; 若是向惡方走, 你將無可避免地會墮入地獄般痛苦的人生.

Human beings have both a good side and a bad side.
From here on, as you grow, you will be choosing in which of these two directions you will go.
If you pursue the good side, the path of happiness will gradually unfold for you.
If you choose the negative side, your choice will inevitably result in a life of hellish suffering.

今日指導 八月二十二日

謹慎固然重要, 但無論甚麼謹慎, 也是有個極限.
不管察覺與否, 唯一確實與基本的預防方法, 就是向着御本尊的認真祈求.

Many accidents happen in society.
Caution is of course important, but there are limits cautions one can be.
Whether one is consciously aware of it or not, the only sure and fundamental precaution is earnest prayer to the Gohonzon.

星期四, 8月 21, 2008

今日指導 八月二十一日

組織是有必要的, 因為我們能以御本尊為根本, 互相鼓勵, 互相保護, 在穩健的信心道路上無誤地前進.

An organisation is needed so that, based on the Gohonzon, we can encourage each other, protect each other, and advance without error on the path of steadfast faith.
A consistent practice of gongyo and daimoku is essential.

星期三, 8月 20, 2008

今日指導 八月二十日

你單獨地來到這個世界, 也將單獨地離去.
你必須通過唱誦題目, 不斷地加強自己.
題目是最不可思議的醫藥, 而其功效是無限的.

You will born into this world alone and you will die alone.
This cycle will continue eternally.
You must continually strengthen yourself by chanting daimoku, the most wondrous medicine, whose efficacy is unlimited.

星期二, 8月 19, 2008

今日指導 八月十九日

希望你對信心的偉大滿懷自信, 並且渡過使自己的工作場所, 團體與社會充滿光輝的生活.

Faith is the important thing.
Everything is ultimately determined by the strength of one's faith.
I hope you will be confident of the greatness of faith, and lead lives that brighten your work places, communities and society itself.

星期一, 8月 18, 2008

今日指導 八月十八日

首先, 唱誦題目.
首先, 保持身體健康.
首先, 愉快地工作.
首先, 打好經濟基礎.
首先, 採取主動.

First, chant daimoku.
First, be in good health.
First, work cheerfully.
First, establish your finances.
And first, take the initiative.

星期五, 8月 15, 2008

今日指導 八月十七日

不過, 在一個對妙法持着強盛信心的人來說, 這些煩惱將成為菩提, 以及幸福人生的寶藏.
只要有信心, 一切都有助於磨練我們的性格, 增添我們的幸福.

Earthly desires (bonno) are the eternal destiny of human beings.
But for one with strong faith in the Mystic Law, they will become enlightenment (bodai) and the treasure of a happy state of life.
With faith, everything can serve to help strengthen and polish our character and expand our happiness.

今日指導 八月十六日

當以信心認真地向御本尊祈求時, 現實生活中所發生的一切問題--即源自無明或惡業的痛苦, 可被理解成, 而實際上, 可轉換為使我們得到智慧與功德的緣.

When one prays earnestly to the Gohonzon with a mind of faith, all the problems occurring in the realities of daily life -- that is, the sufferings arising from illusions or as the effects of bad karma -- can be perceived as, and actually transformed into, influence leading to enlightened wisdom and benefit .
This great road of happiness lies in our dairy life, based upon faith.

今日指導 八月十五日

那是本身的勝利, 亦是廣宣流布的勝利.

Win people's trust in everything.
That is both your own victory and a victory for kosen-rufu.

今日指導 八月十四日

日蓮大聖人教示妙法擁有無窮的力量, 彌漫着整個宇宙.
你已經受持妙法, 因此必定能享有繁榮和福運.

Nichiren Daishonin teaches that the Mystic Law possesses limitless power, permeating the entire universe.
You already embrace the Mystic Law.
Therefore, it is certain that you will enjoy prosperity and good fortune.

星期三, 8月 13, 2008

今日指導 八月十三日

在無常的變化中, 信心使我們正確地掌握每一種情况, 並以最有成效的方式一一地應對.

Nothing can stop time.
Within the context of infinite change, our faith enables us to grasp each situation correctly and to cope with it in the most productive manner.
Faith is the driving force to take us in the direction of absolute happiness.

星期二, 8月 12, 2008

今日指導 八月十二日

讓我們不屈不撓, 一個都不例外地培育每一位會友成為信心堅強的一份子.

Let's take pains to raise each of our members to be individuals of great faith, without a single exception.

星期一, 8月 11, 2008

今日指導 八月十一日

無論會發生什麼痛苦的事情, 都以題目面對並克服它.
這麼一來, 你將會打開一個俱足常, 樂, 我, 淨的生命, 這更是通往一生成佛之道.

No matter what bitter or painful thing may happen, bear up and overcome it through daimoku.
As you do so, a life marked by the virtues of eternity(jo), happiness(raku), true self(ga) and purity(jo) will unfold.
This is, moreover, the path of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

星期六, 8月 09, 2008

今日指導 八月十日


People's trust is gained through constant efforts to be faithful and to keep promise.
We must also muster up a life-force great enough to comprehend others patiently.

今日指導 八月九日

對於我們所作的努力, 我們絕不應落到認為"自己無事可做"的地步.
相反地, 在修行方面持着"不遺餘力於廣宣流布"的決心, 是深厚信心的反映.

Concerning our endeavours, there should never come a point when we feel "there is nothing left for us to do."
To practise, instead, with the determination that "we will spare no effort for kosen-rufu" is a reflection of our deep faith.

星期五, 8月 08, 2008

今日指導 八月八日

你負有為21 世紀的世界承擔責任的重要使命.
因此, 你絕不應受制於膚淺的時代潮流, 你應傾全力扎下生命的基礎.

True happiness does not exist in the pursuit of superficial value.
You have an important mission to shoulder responsibility for the world in the 21st century.
Therefore, you should never be carried away by shallow trends of the times and you should exert yourselves to lay the foundation of your life.

星期四, 8月 07, 2008

今日指導 八月七日

持着這勝利, 我們能展開清新與充實的一天.

First of all, let's overcome our own weakness.
With this victory, we can launch a fresh and fulfilling day.
For Buddhist practice begins with winning over our own weakness.

今日指導 八月六日

我們應該遵守社會的法律與條規, 身為本門佛法的信徒, 我們絕不應違反這類條例.

Social rules and common sense should be followed.
We should abide by the laws and rules of society, and as believers in true Buddhism, we should never break such rules.

今日指導 八月五日

信心包括深奧的功德與無量的福運; 它包含宇宙的偉大力量, 甚至改變所居住的土地.
信心是無限喜悅, 智慧和慈悲的泉源.

Faith includes unfathomable benefit and limitless good fortune; it contains the great power of the universe, transforming even the land in which one lives.
Faith is the source of infinite joy, wisdom and compassion.
Each of you already possesses this supreme nourishment for life.
All that you have to do is to tap its limitless power.

星期一, 8月 04, 2008

今日指導 八月四日

在信心中, 人心是最重要的, 那些以一顆清純的心向社會的改進和諧地前進的人, 將在其生命中燦爛地閃耀一道美與希望的彩虹.

In faith, one's heart is of utmost importance.
A rainbow of beauty and hope shines splendidly in the lives of people who advance harmoniously for the betterment of society with a pure heart.

星期五, 8月 01, 2008

今日指導 八月三日

那麼無論你表面上多麼勤勵於信心, 你絕不能享受到御本尊的功德.
因此, 當你為貴國奮鬥時, 我希望你能保持一顆青純的心而滿懷信心地渡過你最寶貴的人生.

Should you lose your pure, innocent heart, and instead develop arrogance and ugly ambition within yourself, no matter how much you may appear devoted to faith on the surface, you will never enjoy the benefits of the Gohonzon.
For this reason, I hope you will maintain a pure heart and live out your most precious existence confidently, as you strive for the sake of your country.

今日指導 八月二日

你們也是地涌菩薩的勇敢眷屬, 持着將幸福帶給國家的誓願在這裡誕生.
因此, 只要你本着強盛的信心, 傾全力在日常生活中取得成功, 且又貢獻社會, 你必定能明白人生的真正幸福, 將你的生命冠以永恆的榮譽與福運.

You are all important emissaries of the Buddha and the Buddha's children.
You are also brave followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, who were born here with the pledge to bring happiness to your country.
Therefore, as long as you exert yourself to succeed in your daily life and to contribute to society based on strong faith, you will assuredly be able to realise true happiness in life, and to crown your life with eternal merit and good fortune.

今日指導 八月一日

通過在一生中堅持信心, 你能獲得人類生存的終極成就--佛界.

We practise faith in order to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.
By persevering in faith throughout your life you can achieve Buddhahood, the ultimate fruition of human existence.

星期四, 7月 31, 2008

今日指導 七月三十一日

成為王道之人, 勿為霸道之人.
成為民眾之領導者, 勿為權力之工具.
成為大眾之友, 勿為財之奴棣.
成為善之智者, 勿為狡猾邪惡之人.

Be a man of right, never one of might.
Be a leader of the people, never the tool of authority.
Be the friend of the masses, never the slave of wealth.
Be a wise man of good, never a cunning evil one.

星期三, 7月 30, 2008

今日指導 七月三十日

在人生中擁有一位師匠, 是幸福與大喜悅的泉源.
縱然自己察覺不到, 但當你自豪地追尋自己所選擇的師弟之道時, 美與高尚的情操當自你生命深處發出光芒.

In life, having a master is a source of happiness and great joy.
The deep relationship between master and disciple is not readily understandable to others.
Although unnoticed, when you pursue and proudly carry on in the way of master and disciple which you have chosen, beauty and nobleness will radiate from the depths of your life.

星期二, 7月 29, 2008

今日指導 七月二十九日

事實上, 只有在經歷逆境的考驗時, 希望才真正地得以鞏固.
缺乏考驗的希望往往只是飛逝, 空幻的夢.

Hope exists even in the midst of adversity.
In fact, only when you undergo the ordeals of adversity will your hope be truly fortified.
Hope without ordeal is often nothing more than fleeting, idealistic dreams.

星期一, 7月 28, 2008

今日指導 七月二十八日

只有以大量誠懇的題目, 以及為他人和廣宣流布所採取的勇敢行動支持着的信心, 才可說是完美的信心.
在這種意義上, 我要你確信, 你日夜為他人的幸福而努力活動, 正與佛法崇高與普遍的原理一致.

One's faith can be said to be perfect only when it is supported with sincere abundant daimoku and courageous action for others and kosen-rufu.
In this sense I want you to be deeply convinced that your day-and-night efforts in activities for the happiness of others are exactly in tune with the supreme and universal of Buddhism.

星期六, 7月 26, 2008

今日指導 七月二十七日

受日蓮大聖人稱讚是最高的榮譽, 也是幸福的根源, 而受愚者稱譽是最不值得尊敬的事.
你是否應得到日蓮大聖人的稱讚, 則關係到你的信心本質.

To be praised by Nichiren Daishonin is the greatest honour and cause for happiness.
Being praised by the foolish is the least respectable thing.
The question of whether or not you deserve Nichiren Daishonin's praise relates to the essence of your faith.

今日指導 七月二十六日

你或許會置身暴風雨中, 或被障礙之巨浪所動搖.
這對奮力達成前所未有的廣宣流布大業的我們而言, 尤是如此.
因此, 千萬不應被任何困難沖走, 或在面臨任何危機是退缩.

Life is not easy for anyone.
One may be exposed to violent storms or shaken by a high tide of obstacles.
This is especially so for us, who are striving to accomplish the unprecedented task of kosen-rufu.
Therefore, you should never be swept away by any hardship or retreat in the face of any crisis.

星期四, 7月 24, 2008

今日指導 七月二十五日

在信心的世界裡, 擁有一顆誠摯, 虔誠的心能使你與妙法的韻律配合, 從而迅速地得到功德, 福運也將會增加.

In the world of faith, having a sincere and faithful mind enable you to keep yourself in tune with the rhythm of the Mystic Law; then you will quickly receive benefit and your good fortune will increase.

今日指導 七月二十四日

因此, 能夠建立一個光榮, 勝利與幸福的人生, 在於你是否能有意義地而毫不後悔地利用你的時間.

Time is given equally to everyone.
Therefore, being able to build a life of glory, victory and happiness depends on whether you spend your time meaningfully and free of regret.

星期三, 7月 23, 2008

今日指導 七月二十三日

同時, 無論什情况, 你非勝即敗.
身為佛教徒, 你必須在每一次的奮鬥中勝利.

Faith itself is invisible.
However, faith is bound to manifest in a tangible form as words ans deeds, thereby greatly affecting the environment.
At the same time, no matter what circumstance you face, you either win or lose.
As a Buddhist, you must win each struggle in which you are engaged.
And faith in the Gohonzon enables you to do so.

星期二, 7月 22, 2008

今日指導 七月二十二日

在我們佛道修行的過程中肯定會出現許多障礙, 它們之所以發生是在於我們宣弘正法所付出的努力之故.
許多阻擋我們的困難, 其實是在考驗我們的信心是否堅強得足以讓我們今生成佛.

Surely, many obstacles will arise in the course of our Buddhist practice.
They occur because of our efforts to propagate the True Law.
Many difficulties that stand in our way actually serve to test whether or not our faith is strong enough to enable us to reach enlightenment in this lifetime.

星期一, 7月 21, 2008

今日指導 七月二十一日

除非一個人的信心純淨到底, 否則他將無法鍛鍊出與無情, 邪惡的力量鬥爭時所需的強盛生命力.

Unless one's faith is pure to the core, he will not be able to cultivate the strong life-force needed to battle with unrelenting devilish forces.
This is the most important and crucial point for your development.
Please remember it always.

星期五, 7月 18, 2008

今日指導 七月二十日

人人都有不同的使命以待完成, 也有他們必須居住的不同地方以完成使命.
一名在與現實掙扎而又決定牢固地在其地域確立自己並繼續以堅毅不拔之心與希望前進的人, 是人生的勝利者.

People have different missions to fulfill and different places where they must live to fulfil them.
The person who decides to establish himself firmly in his community and who continues to advance with perseverance and hope while struggling with reality will be a victor in life.
Through faith, you can transform the land where you live into a land of victory and happiness.

今日指導 七月十九日


Arrogance is fearful.
Human beings are often brought to ruin by pride and impatience.
They are self-complacent and unable to win the trust of those around them.

星期四, 7月 17, 2008

今日指導 七月十八日


Hope cannot exist without effort.
One who spares no effort will without fail be able to open the way to a glorious future.

今日指導 七月十七日

這是相信一切眾生的佛性, 即公正地對待每一個人.
同時, 也意味着相信因果的絕對法則.
貫徹這樣的信心姿態, 能使你鍛鍊出偉大的品格.

To believe in the Mystic Law is to have utmost faith in yourself.
It is to believe in the Buddha nature of all living beings; that is to regard all people with impartiality.
It also means to believe in the absolute law of cause and effect.
Carrying through with this attitude in faith enables you to develop great character.

星期三, 7月 16, 2008

今日指導 七月十六日

無論什麼時候都能誠懇地, 努力地學習的人, 既不傲慢, 也不追求名譽.
他們都是能在正義之大道上充滿信心, 闊步前進的智者.

Those who, on all occasions, sincerely endeavour to learn are free of arrogance and desire for fame.
They are people of wisdom who can stride with confidence on the great path of justice.

星期一, 7月 14, 2008

今日指導 七月十五日

那些不停地前進的人, 則會充滿新活力地走在一條引向希望盈然的人生道路上.

Overtaken by inertia, without realising it, a person becomes conservative.
Those who ceaselessly advance are full of fresh vitality and walk the path leading to lives filled with happiness.

今日指導 七月十四日

當一架飛機起飛時, 無論遇到如何惡劣的氣候或湍流, 它都必須繼續飛行, 直至平安的降陸為止.
我們必須以不變的熱忱及奉獻, 持續信與行, 直至我們到達成佛的終極目標.

Once an airplane takes off, it must continue flying, no matter what bad weather or turbulence it encounters, until it lands safely.
The same principle applies to our faith.
We must continue our faith and practice with unchanging enthusiasm and dedication until we arrive at our final goal of enlightenment.

星期六, 7月 12, 2008

今日指導 七月十三日

我們促進文化活動, 也可稱為和平的運動--因文化復興是人們心中幸福的實證.

Culture is the flowering of both the individual and the nation.
Our activities to promote culture can also be called a movement for peace--in that a renaissance of culture is proof of the fruition of happiness within the people.

今日指導 七月十二日

我們為妙法的戰役是在絕不使用任何暴力或武力之下, 朝着和平前進的.
在這場奮鬥中, 你或許會遭受痛苦, 不過, 你最終能在生命深處確立起不崩潰的幸福.

Our battle for the sake of the Law is a march towards peace in which we deny the use of any kind of violence or force.
This is a "peaceful battle" that enables each and every participant to achieve absolute happiness.
In the course of this struggle, though you may at times experience suffering, you will eventually be able to establish indestructible happiness in the depth of your life.

星期五, 7月 11, 2008

今日指導 七月十一日

精神飽滿地作出勤行與唱題, 並以重新振奮的活力創造一個累積新功德的歷史.

Do gongyo and chant daimoku with a fresh spirit.
And, filled with renewed vitality, build a history of accumulating fresh benefit.

星期四, 7月 10, 2008

今日指導 七月十日

一個贏得無數戰役的大將軍, 最後可能會被擊敗.
除非他通過每一個戰役的參與逐步建立其確信與哲理, 從而磨練其精神.

A great general who has won numerous battles may eventually be defeated unless he develops his conviction and philosophy through participation in each battle, thereby training his spirit.

今日指導 七月九日

唯有通過信心, 才可將這財富作為己有.

A truly wealthy person is one who possesses something eternal.
Only the Mystic Law is eternal and unchanging; it is by faith alone that we can make this treasure our own.

今日指導 七月八日


Criticizing fellow members is just like steering your life form sunshine into darkness.

今日指導 七月七日

讓我們成為開朗與熱心的幹事, 能夠讓根本上着手使會友的信心成長.

Let us become cheerful and warm-hearted leaders who can develop the members' faith on a fundamental level.
We should not be concerned with winning popularity or allow ourselves to lapse into formalism and authoritarianism.

星期三, 7月 09, 2008

今日指導 七月六日

我們是佛教徒, 也是平民及社會的一份子.
所以, 我們要努力做個優秀公民, 對社會作出的貢獻要比其他人來的多.
然而, 身為佛教徒, 我們最基本上必須明白到自己就是地涌菩薩的眷屬.
因此, 為了人民及實現和平, 我們應在余暇致力於廣宣流布的活動和本門佛法的宣弘.

We are Buddhist, but we are also ordinary citizen and members of society.
So, we strive to be excellent citizens who contribute to society more than others.
However, as Buddhists, our most fundamental understanding should be that we are followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.
As such, we should dedicate ourselves in our spare time to kosen-rufu activities and to the propagation of true Buddhism, in order to realise peace and for the sake of people.
The important thing is to have a deep sense of mission.

星期二, 7月 08, 2008

今日指導 七月五日

只關心保持己身地位的人, 是不能成長的.
相反地, 為了妙法及他人的幸福而奮鬥的人, 其艱辛的努力將成為巨大成長的泉源.

Someone who is concerned only with maintaining his status will be unable to grow and develop.
On the other hand, for a person who is striving for the sake of the Law and for the happiness of others, his difficult efforts will become the source of tremendous growth.

今日指導 七月四日

千萬別只讓"信心, 信心"或"廣宣流布, 廣宣流布"佔據了你而刻板行事.
明智地考慮每一件事是很重要的, 而且經常有一些伸缩的餘地.

You must not become so exclusively preoccupied with "faith, faith"or " kosen-rufu, kosen-rufu"that you make things rigid.
Some space or flexibility is necessary in any way of life.
It is important to consider everything wisely, always maintaining a margin of flexibility.

星期一, 7月 07, 2008

今日指導 七月三日

佛法教導我們, 未來決定於現在.
因此, 不要留戀於過去的成就, 而要精神飽滿地生活, 並放眼未來.
千萬別忘了, 一個有生氣而又喜悅的人生有賴這種態度.

Buddhism teaches the present decides the future; therefore, without clinging to past achievements, live your life with freshness, keeping your eyes on the future.
Never forget that a lively and joyful life depends on this kind of attitude.

今日指導 七月二日

成長的因素存在於一個人的認真態度中, 停滯與惰性則是因本身的造作與不負責任而起.

The cause for development exists in a single person's earnestness; stagnation and inertia originate in one's affectations and irresponsibility.

今日指導 七月一日

如果我們採取行動的話, 肯定會遇到障礙.
然而, 當我們重振對廣宣流布的熱情克服障礙時, 信心將得以成長.

If we take action, we are certain to meet with obstacles.
When we overcome them with renewed passion for kosen-rufu, we are able to develop our faith.

星期五, 7月 04, 2008

今日指導 六月三十日

在青年時期無法好好訓練身心的人, 往往會在日後發現其信念與理想破滅.
進一步地說, 這類人很可能是人生徹底的失敗者.

One who fails to train his body and mind while young , will, in many case, find that his determination and ideals are often destroyed in his later years.
Furthermore, it is likely that such a person will turn out to be a complete loser in life.

今日指導 六月二十九日

要轉換不幸的宿業, 和確立去幸福的人生需要持續及勇猛的信心.
請持着強盛, 勇猛的信心以及對御本尊偉大力量的確信, 向着充滿幸福, 功德與希望的人生邁進.

To change one's miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith.
Please advance with powerful, courageous faith and deep confidence in the supreme power of the Gohonzon, towards a life filled with happiness, benefit and hope.

今日指導 六月二十八日

在現代社會的嚴酷現實中, 只求過着普通的生活, 是不能令你轉換惡業的.
要打開宿業的枷鎖需要極大的力量, 這就如火箭沖離地心吸引力到這太空所需要的強大噴射力一般.

Simply trying to lead a normal life amid the severe realities of modern society will not enable you to change your negative karma.
Breaking the chains of one's karma requires great energy similar to the thrust needed by a rocket to break the pull of Earth's gravity and to be launched into outer space.
What provides us with this tremendous power is the Mystic law.

星期三, 7月 02, 2008

今日指導 六月二十七日

你為了信心所做的一切, 最終將會以幸福的形式回向給你.
因此, 為了你本身, 我希望你繼續以勇氣與希望在信心大道前進.

Everything you do for the sake of faith ultimately comes back to you in the form of happiness.
Therefore, I hope that for your own sake, you will continue to walk the great path of faith with courage and hope.

今日指導 六月二十六日

無論怎麼富有或著名, 這類事物都不持久.
缺乏信心, 他將會感到不足和一股空虛感, 最終陷於痛苦與孤寂中.

A person who has correct faith is walking the highest path a human being can travel in life.
No matter how rich or famous one might be , such things do not last.
Without faith, he will eventually feel dissatisfied and experience a sense of emptiness, ultimately ending in misery and loneliness.

今日指導 六月二十五日

你必須了解, 我們學習是為了加強信心, 為了推進廣宣流布, 為了達至成佛.

Buddhist study is not the mere memorisation of theory.
Your determination to study is an important aspect of your attitude in faith.
You must understand that we study to deepen our faith, to promote kosen-rufu and to progress towards our attainment of Buddhahood.

今日指導 六月二十四日

御書云: "易受難持, 然成佛在於持".
這是因為, 在嚴酷的日常現實中對御本尊所持的信心是幸福的堅固基地.

The gosho states, "To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith."
No matter what obstacles might arise, you must never leave the Gohonzon.
This is because faith in the Gohonzon is the solid base for happiness amid the stern realities of daily life.

星期一, 6月 23, 2008

今日指導 六月二十三日

無論有否信心, 以強盛的一念勇敢地剷平苦難的山是生而為人的正確方式.
我們持着強具使命感的信心, 毫不逃避地面對與克服所面臨的障礙更為重要.
這是我們為自己, 為社會以及為這個法則所必須做的.

Whether one has faith or not, to boldly scale the mountains of difficulties that one faces with a strong determinations is the correct way to live as a human being.
It is all the more important that we, who stand upon our faith with a sense of mission, face and overcome all obstacles that confront us, without trying to avoid anything.
This we must do for our own sake, for the sake of society and for the sake of the Law.

星期五, 6月 20, 2008

今日指導 六月二十二日

請確信在信心的領域裡, 沒有一件事是毫無意義的.

Everything that happens in the world of faith has deep meaning and value.
Please be convinced that nothing is meaningless in the realm of faith.

今日指導 六月二十一日

只要你是勇敢的, 你絕不會讓惡緣影響你的佛道修行.
你可以過一個真正富有意義的人生, 好好地享受人生的每一方面.
如果你有足夠的勇氣, 你將能感受到一股巨大的強盛生命力的高潮, 使你轉換惡業.
同時, 你對廣宣流布所懷有的使命感也就更強烈.

So long as you are courageous, you will never be swayed form your Buddhist practice by evil influences.
You can live a truly meaningful existence, deeply enjoying every aspect of your life.
If you are courageous enough, you will experience a great upsurge of strong life-force which will enable you to change your negative karma.
At the same time, your sense of mission for kosen-rufu will also become stronger.

今日指導 六月二十日

身為廣宣流布的年青幹事, 我希望你能一生奉獻於信心的基本修行上.
當你堅定地決心向廣宣流布與充實的人生穩健地前進時, 你必須經常回返基本, 並從基本出發.

As youthful leaders of kosen-rufu, I hope you will dedicate yourselves to the basic practice of faith throughout your lives.
Always return to the basics and begin with the basics as you powerfully determine to advance steadily towards kosen-rufu and a solid existence.

星期四, 6月 19, 2008

今日指導 六月十九日

當你受持御本尊並繼續正確地朝向成佛的最終目標實踐信心時, 自然地, 你將會發覺自己與御本尊所解釋的深奧佛理配合.
請了解學習日蓮大聖人的本門佛法能進一步加強信心的實踐使你正確地, 充滿信心地前進.

As you embrace the Gohonzon and continue to carry out your faith correctly towards the final goal of enlightenment, you will naturally find yourself in tune with profound principles expounded in the gosho.
Please realise that your study of Nichiren Daishonin's true Buddhism adds substance to your practice of faith, allowing you to advance correctly and confidently.

星期三, 6月 18, 2008

今日指導 六月十八日

同時, 你將會大大地提高你的生命境涯.
這類修行上的努力將能使你在將生命置於幸福之道的同時, 累積無量無邊的功德.

Your constant efforts in practice for yourself and for others will enable you to feel a true sense of fulfillment in the depths of your life.
At the same time, you will greatly develop your life-condition.
Such efforts in practice will also allow you to accumulate immeasurable benefit while setting your life in a course towards happiness.
Please keep this in mind.

星期二, 6月 17, 2008

今日指導 六月十七日

具有求道心的人經常都精神奕奕, 充滿希望與喜悅.
唯有通過求道的精神, 才可琢磨與加強我們的信心.
在任何方面的努力, 一切都是決定於個人的求道心.

Those with a seeking mind will always feel refreshed, hopeful and filled with joy.
We must realise that only through a seeking spirit can we polish and deepen our faith.
This is true not only in the realm of faith.
In any field of endeavour, everything is determined by one's seeking mind.

星期一, 6月 16, 2008

今日指導 六月十六日

然而, 它只不過是一場夢--一個幻想.
真正的幸福是無法在幻影般的名譽, 聲望中得到的.

There are many people searching for fame.
Such a thing, however, is no more than a dream--an illusion.
Genuine happiness cannot be found within the ghost-image of reputation and fame.

星期五, 6月 13, 2008

今日指導 六月十五日

患病時, 信心弱者會受惡魔影響.
這個人的生命就會變得污瀆, 最終也許會完全喪失信心.
信心強盛的人能直接面對本身的不幸, 並以大量的題目勇敢地克服一切困境.

In the event of illness, a person with weak faith will be carried away by devilish influences.
Such a person's life will then become impure, and he may finally lose faith entirely.
A person of strong faith will be to gaze directly at his own unhappiness and boldly overcome it with abundant daimoku.

今日指導 六月十四日


Our organisation is a safety zone of faith and happiness.

今日指導 六月十三日

御書提及: "南無妙法蓮華經是歡喜中的大歡喜."
它令你顯現最喜悅, 最有沖勁的生命境界.
由於天天唱誦這偉大的題目, 我們就能活得朝氣蓬勃.
因此, 無論如何, 我們都應自然地過着充滿青春活力的生活.

The gosho states, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest of all joys."
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental law that moves the universe.
It enables you to reveal the most joyful, dynamic condition of life.
Because we chant this great daimoku everyday, we can always live with youthful vitality.
Therefore, we should naturally live our lives youthfully, no matter what.

星期四, 6月 12, 2008

今日指導 六月十二日

今日, 與其渡過一個看似美好的放縱生活, 你應該在佛道修行的路上流着汗, 辛勞地工作, 以便在明日過一個充滿自信的人生.

Today, rather than leading a seemingly pleasurable life of self-indulgence, you should toil, bathed in sweat, along the road of Buddhist practice, so that tomorrow you can lead a life filled with confidence.

星期三, 6月 11, 2008

今日指導 六月十一日

歸根到底, 幸與不幸在於個人奧底的一念而非他處.
以佛法深遠的觀點來看, 向着御本尊繼續地唱誦題目的堅強一念, 將成為一切變化的泉源.
換言之, 持續唱題的堅強一念是改善任何處境之鑰.

All in all, happiness and unhappiness lie nowhere but within one's deep-seated ichinen.
When viewed form the profound perspective of Buddhism, one's strong ichinen in continually chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon will become the source of all change.
In other words, your strong ichinen to continue chanting is the key to changing any situation for the better.

星期二, 6月 10, 2008

今日指導 六月十日

換句話說, 通過佛道修行, 你可以創造通往不崩潰幸福的基本因緣.
因此, 絕對不可放棄信心.

One who continues to chant abundant daimoku to the Gohonzon will accumulate eternal good fortune and establish an everlasting condition of joy within his life.
In other words, through Buddhist practice, you can create the fundamental cause which leads to indestructible happiness.
Therefore, you must absolutely never abandon your faith.

星期日, 6月 08, 2008

今日指導 六月九日

在持續信心方面, 我們要小心避免犯上慢心, 虛偽或高傲的態度.
真正的信心是一心向御本尊持續勤行與唱題的修行, 以精進不虛之心向前進.

In maintaining faith, we must be careful to avoid such attitude as haughtiness, pretension or conceit.
True faith is to pray single-mindedly to the Gohonzon, continue the practice of gongyo and daimoku and forge ahead without affectation.

今日指導 六月八日


Even a cave that has been in total darkness for millions of years will become brightly illuminated the moment a light is brought inside.
Only your practice of faith can ignite the flame of happiness within your heart.

今日指導 六月七日

我們有轉換宿命的信心, 並且唱誦題目--大歡喜的泉源.
因此, 當我們向着御本尊唱題目, 我們能夠將生命中的大歡喜湧現出來時, 我們能夠解決一切的苦惱與不幸.

We are fortune enough to embrace the Gohonzon.
We have faith, which enables us to change our destiny, and we chant daimoku, the source of tremendous joy.
The gosho states, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest joy of all joys." In this sense, as we can resolve all of our problems and unhappiness.

星期五, 6月 06, 2008

今日指導 六月六日

在日常生活, 尤其是在錢財方面不負責任的人, 絕對不會是信心強者.
緊記着這點, 並實踐"信心即生活"的原理.

Those irresponsible in their daily lives--especially in regard to money--are never individuals of strong faith.
Bear this in mind and uphold the principle of "faith equals daily life".

星期四, 6月 05, 2008

今日指導 六月五日

無論你的境況如何, 信心的一念使你打開內心的幸福宮殿並建立一個在各方面都很充實的人生.
對御本尊與廣宣流布的達成所持的堅強一念, 將打開你的生命的每一層面.

No matter what your circumstance, it is your ichinen of faith that enables you to open the palace of happiness that exists within you and establish a life that is fulfilled in every respect.
This is the purpose of faith and Buddhist practice.
Your powerful ichinen directed towards the Gohonzon and the accomplishment of kosen-rufu will cause every aspect of your life to unfold.

星期三, 6月 04, 2008

今日指導 六月四日

若缺乏信心, 世俗的苦惱將增加不幸的因.
這些根本的苦惱將成為宿命完全改變, 步向成佛大道與完美人格的力量.

Without faith, worldly sufferings function to increase the causes which lead to unhappiness.
Embracing Myoho allows one to transform fundamental sufferings, or earthly desires, into enlightenment.
These fundamental sufferings then become the power which enables one to undergo a complete change of destiny, and travel towards the great path of enlightenment and perfected character.
This is the greatness of faith.

星期二, 6月 03, 2008

今日指導 六月三日

我們必須確保熱情與確信在我們的生命中燃燒, 以便為所遇見的每一個人帶來勇氣與希望.
由此, 我們便能成為真正的領導者.

One who can always give courage and hope to others is great.
To bring courage and hope to each person we meet, we must make sure that passion and conviction burn bright in our lives.
Thus we will become true leaders.

星期一, 6月 02, 2008

今日指導 六月二日

當某國家內唱題的人數增加時, 這個國家可說是處於朝向實現立正安國, 即是通過宣弘本門佛法以"安國"的道路上.
當然, 一個國家要和平, 其鄰國也必須和平.
當每一個國家都領悟到"立正安國"的原理時, 真正的世界和平方可實現.

When the number of people in a particular who chant daimoku grows, it can be said that the nation is on a course towards realising rissho ankoku, or securing the peace of the land through propagation of true Buddhism.
Of course, for one country to be at peace, its neighbouring countries must also be at peace.
True world peace can be established when each individual nation realise this principle of rissho ankoku.

星期五, 5月 30, 2008

今日指導 六月一日

"寂光土"不在他處, 它就在你現處之地, 它存在於本着信心, 無論會發生什麼事都宣弘真正的佛教教義的堅忍修行中.

The "Buddha land" exists nowhere but where you are right now.
It is to be found in one's enduring practice, based on faith, to spread the true teachings of Buddhism no matter what might happen.
It is within one's ichinen to challenge and overcome suffering.

今日指導 五月三十一日

無論你目前的生活環境如何困難或幸福, 這不過是你生命中的其中一面罷了.
佛法所觀乃事物真實的一面, 它着眼於生命的整體, 尤其是決定人生成敗的生命末章的結果.

No matter how difficult or how fortunate the circumstances in which you may presently live, this is only one aspect of your life.
Viewing things as they truly are, Buddhism focuses on one's life taken as a whole and, in particular, on the outcome of its final chapter in determining its success or failure.

今日指導 五月三十日

當我們將自己奉獻於自行化他的修行時, 除了受持御本尊與一心唱題外, 就無其他的方法可以築起跨越三世的真正幸福的永恆境界了.

There is no other way to build an eternal condition of true happiness that spans the three existences of past, present and future than to embrace the Gohonzon and chant daimoku wholeheartedly, as we devote ourselves to practise for ourselves and for others.

星期四, 5月 29, 2008

今日指導 五月二十九日

信心退轉是因為受制於自身的短淺眼光, 膚淺, 增上慢, 怨嫉或自私的慾望而起的.
無論你目前的信心有多強盛, 如果你中途退轉的話, 就不能說你曾有真正的信心.

A person stops practising because he is controlled by his own narrow-mindedness, shallow attachment, arrogance, ill feelings towards other believers or selfish desire.
No matter how strong your faith may appear to be now, if you discard it at some point in your life, your faith cannot be said to have been true.

星期三, 5月 28, 2008

今日指導 五月二十八日

你日日為折伏而努力, 在許許多多的障礙和困難中掙扎並為廣宣流布挺身而出, 的確是擁有遠大的使命, 必可稱為佛的使者.

You who exert yourselves in the daily practice of shakubuku, struggle amid many obstacles and difficulties and extend yourselves for the sake of kosen-rufu, truly possess a profound mission and must certainly be called emissaries of the Buddha.

星期二, 5月 27, 2008

今日指導 五月二十七日

櫻花樹在春天美麗地綻放花朵, 吐露着芬芳.
同樣地, 人類也必須盡可能讓自己的生命如櫻花般盛放, 發揮出真實的潛能.
在最基本的層次上使之成為可能的除了對廣宣流布的深厚使命感與責任感外, 別無他徑.

Cherry trees blossom beautifully, adorning themselves with colour and fragrance in the Spring.
Likewise, human beings must allow their lives to blossom, expressing their true potential to the fullest extent.
What makes this possible on a most fundamental level is nothing other than a profound sense of mission and responsibility for kosen-rufu.

星期一, 5月 26, 2008

今日指導 五月二十六日


Faith in the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is sure to be accompanied by obstacles.
Remember, it is at such times that you can take a great leap towards your happiness.

星期五, 5月 23, 2008

今日指導 五月二十五日

如果一直以來都不間斷地實踐勤行, 一旦停止作勤行的話----舉一個容易理解的例子----就好比電流中斷一樣.
即使擁有獨一本門的御本尊, 如果沒有實踐勤行, 也沒法得到任何功德.

Gongyo is the basis and foundation of the practice of faith.
If one who has practised gongyo regularly up till now should stop doing it, it is ----to give a readily understandable example----like switching off an electric current.
Even though one has the Gohonzon, which is absolute, without the practice of gongyo, he can gain no benefit.

今日指導 五月二十四日

最重要的是自身能築起多深, 多純的生命境涯.
不是被它們影響而陷入苦海, 便是戰勝它們並建立起幸福之山.

What really matters is how deep and pure a condition of life you can establish.
The reality of problems and troubles will never disappear.
One can either be influence by them and sink into the great sea of suffering, or overcome them and build a mountain of happiness.

今日指導 五月二十三日

在吸引鐵或鋼的能力上, 磁鐵與鐵有很大的差別.
同樣地, 在信受御本尊的人當中, 每個人所得到的功德, 自然會因個人信心的強弱而有所差別.

A magnet and a piece of iron which has not been magnetised differ greatly in their ability to attract other pieces of iron or steel.
In a similar way, even among those who embrace faith in the Gohonzon, the benefit one receives will naturally differ according to the strength of one's faith.

星期三, 5月 21, 2008

今日指導 五月二十二日

永遠記住, 若能突破那些似乎限制着你的圍牆, 那麼閃亮的榮耀將會等着你.

Always bear in mind that a shining glory awaits when you are able to break through the walls which may seem to confine you.

今日指導 五月二十一日

當我們以耐心勇敢地行動, 並且以異體同心的精神向御本尊祈求時, 沒有障礙是能持久的, 重要的是我們必須對這一點抱着絕對的確信.

No obstacles can stand for long when act with patience and courage and when we pray to the Gohonzon in the spirit of itai doshin (many in body, one in mind).
The important point for us is to have absolute conviction in this.

星期一, 5月 19, 2008

今日指導 五月二十日

無論是苦, 是樂, 甚至是面臨絕路, 只要全心全意地唱題, 無限的希望自然會由生命內奧湧現出來.

Whether in suffering or in joy, even in the face of an insurmountable deadlock, if one continues to chant daimoku wholehaertedly, then tremendous hope will naturally well up from within.

今日指導 五月十九日

正如"星星之火, 可以燎原"的道理, 當向着御本尊作勤行與唱題時, 即使是深深根植于生命中的罪障也會在南無妙法蓮華經的"大風"與妙法的"火焰"中消滅無遺.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental law that purifies every aspect of one's life.
It is like an excellent medicine.
Just as a single match can ignite a fire that spreads limitlessly through a plain of grass, when one does gongyo and chants daimoku before the Gohonzon, even the deeply entrenched karmic causes of past slander will be expelled before the "great wind" of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the "flame" of Myoho.

星期日, 5月 18, 2008

今日指導 五月十八日

我們乃血肉之軀, 自然會疲倦或生病.
不過, 切切不可讓心神因此而繼續晦暗或沈重.
通過解決一切痛苦的廣闊信心世界的參與, 我希望你們將一切轉換得更好.

Because we are flesh and blood, we naturally get tired or fall ill from time to time.
However, we must not allow our spirits to be continually dark or heavy on that account.
I hope that, through your participation in the vast world of the faith that opens a solution to such sufferings, you will transform all situation for the better.

星期六, 5月 17, 2008

今日指導 五月十七日

然而, 如果連這一點也動搖的話, 一切將以混淆不清之態出現.

A profound connection between the Gohonzon and oneself is the basic posture of faith.
All we have to do is perceive everything form this standpoint.
However, if one is shaken on this single point, then everything will appear to him in a distorted way.

星期五, 5月 16, 2008

今日指導 五月十六日

信心是確信, 而確信是力量與希望.
缺乏確信的人將會受惡緣動搖, 被消極的批評擊倒.

Faith is confidence, and confidence means strength and hope.
A person who lacks confidence will tend to be swayed by devilish influences and be defeated by negative criticism.
Compromising with the trend of the times, he will estrange himself from the depths of faith.

星期三, 5月 14, 2008

今日指導 五月十五日

在繼續生活當兒, 你應該知道與其談論過去的宿業, 不如向御本尊, 這大功德的泉源勇敢地唱誦題目更具有價值.
這樣的生活方式將使你獲得他人的信賴, 從而開拓向廣宣流布的道路.

You should know that rather than talking about your past karma, it is hundreds of times to the Gohonzon, the source of tremendous benefit, as you continue to live your life.
Living in such a way will enable you to gain the confidence ans understanding of others, thereby opening the way towards kosen-rufu.

星期二, 5月 13, 2008

今日指導 五月十四日

欲將過去的罪障消滅, 確立未來幸福的人生, 並在現實生活中享有大功德, 我們就非實踐勤行不可.

To eradicate bad karma from the past, establish a life of good fortune in the future, and enjoy great benefit amid the realities of daily life, we must carry out the practice of gongyo.

星期一, 5月 12, 2008

今日指導 五月十三日

宿業苦, 憂傷與悲哀常在生命中留下污迹並沉澱其中, 形成一種愈益苦惱的傾向性.
然而通過信心, 可去除業苦的污泥, 使自身的佛界發出光輝.

Karmic suffering, grief and sorrow ordinarily leave their stains and residue in the mind, creating a tendency towards further anguish.
If the gold in one's heart is encased in mud, its radiance cannot be seen.
Through karmic suffering and allow the light of his inherent Buddhahood to shine forth.

今日指導 五月十二日

人生是一段克服病痛, 保持健康與長壽的掙扎.

Life must be called a perpetual battle with the demon of sickness.
It is miserable to be stuck down halfway through life by the suffering of illness.
Life is a struggle to surmount illness, to be healthy ans live long.
The fundamental power that makes this possible is the Mystic Law, and our faith in it.

星期六, 5月 10, 2008

今日指導 五月十一日

即使有不愉快或痛苦的經歷, 應通過嚴肅認真的勤行與題目並積極推進廣布的活動來克服.

Even if you should have some unpleasant or painful experience, overcome it by devoting yourself to a strict practice of gongyo and daimoku and vigorously advancing your activitiesfor kosen-rufu.
This in itself is away of life based upon Buddhahood and strong faith.

星期五, 5月 09, 2008

今日指導 五月十日


Let's find capable people.
Let's raise and protect them.
That is the well-spring of eternal prosperity.

今日指導 五月九日

信心使我們飛越困苦的山峰, 達成所願, 並開拓一片安穩的生命沃土.
無論置身于苦與樂, 只要繼續唱題, 你將開啟一條通往永不崩潰的幸福之道.

Everyone experiences hardship and problems.
One might even go so far as to say that the entire human race is caught up in a continual cycle of suffering.
Faith allows us to surmount a mountain of suffering, fulfill our desires, and open the fertile plains of a secure and peaceful life.
When you continue to chant, whether you are in pain or joy, you will open up a great road to indestructible happiness.

星期四, 5月 08, 2008

今日指導 五月八日

無論何時, 所表現的有多昌盛, 表面的昌盛有如一場夢.

No matter how much one may appear to be prospering at any given point, surface prospering is like a dream.
Whether the whole of one's life has been decisively happy or unhappy becomes clear in its final chapter.
This is something one must gauge by the yardstick of eternity.

星期三, 5月 07, 2008

今日指導 五月七日

努力唱題, 努力與會友交流是很重要的.
雖然是為廣宣流布的活動, 一切努力的功德最終是回向自己的.

Faith is the fundamental source of vitality.
Don't be defeated by a slump in faith.
It is important to strive in chanting daimoku, and in association with one's fellow believers.
Although we speak of activities for kosen-rufu, the benefit of all such efforts ultimately returns to oneself.

星期二, 5月 06, 2008

今日指導 五月六日

第一, 保持健康.
第二, 打好經濟基礎.
第三, 在工作上贏取信任.
第四, 以愛心栽培你的孩子, 並建立一個安穩的家庭.
這些都是日常生活的全面, 一旦脫離了日常生活, 就沒有佛法的存在了.

First, be healthy.
Second, established your economic base.
Third, be trusted on your job.
Fourth, raise your children with affection, and establish a secure family life.
These are all aspects of daily life, and apart from daily life, there is no Buddhism.

今日指導 五月五日

行學乃車之雙輪, 信心乃車之樞軸.
無論佛理知多少, 欠缺實踐, 實為缺輪之態.

Practice and study are like the two wheels of a cart and faith is like its axle.
No matter how great your knowledge of Buddhist doctrines, without practice, it will be incomplete.

星期一, 5月 05, 2008

今日指導 五月四日

無論產生什麼障礙, 你的佛學研究將大大支持你建立一個不動搖的信心.
我希望你具有這種精神拜讀御書, 因為這是信心的絕妙表現.

Your Buddhist study will greatly support our efforts to develop a faith that never wavers, no matter what obstacles may arise.
I hope you will have this spirit to read the gosho, as it is a wonderful expression of your faith.

今日指導 五月三日

為了成佛與廣宣流布而歸命于御本尊及精進地修行, 無疑地, 會使人能夠真正地愛護他人而別人也會反過來感受其過人之處.

When one dedicates himself to the Gohonzon and advances in practice for the sake of his own enlightenment and for kosen-rufu, then, without doubt, he will become capable of truly loving others, and others in turn will say to themselves that there is something about him that shines.

今日指導 五月二日

同時, 信心的一念也可以將痛苦轉為快樂.

Some people spend their lives grumbling or complaining about their problems and sufferings.
Others live brightly and joyfully.
The state of your ichinen will determine whether your environment will become a "hell" or a "joyful land."
Also, you can transform suffering into pleasure according to your ichinen of faith.

今日指導 五月一日

為宣弘本門佛法這崇高的目標奮勇立起的人能因本身所擁有的崇高宗旨與題目的功德, 將日常生活的苦與樂化為大歡喜的泉源.

Those who stand up for the supreme goal of propagating true Buddhism can, due to their lofty sense of purpose and the beneficial power of daimoku, change all of the pleasures and sorrows of daily living into a source of supreme joy.

星期三, 4月 30, 2008

今日指導 四月三十日

沒有什麼比擁有一顆真摯, 誠實的心更為重要, 尤以信心世界.
實際上, 以這種態度對待御本尊與日蓮大聖人, 是無盡福運的泉源.

Nothing is more important than having a sincere and honest mind, especially in the world of faith.
In fact, having such a mind in your attitude towards the Gohonzon and Nichiren Daishonin is the source of boundless fortune.

今日指導 四月二十九日

我們絕不應忘記, 通過珍惜與堅持這法則累積心之財, 最為重要.
我希望你們所渡過的每一天, 都累積着心之財, 並以信心之財綴飾你們的人生.

We should not forget that the most important thing is to accumulate the treasures of the heart by treasuring and upholding the Law.
I hope that you will live your lives each day accumulating the treasures of the heart and adorning your existence with the treasures of faith.

今日指導 四月二十八日

我們應該通過真誠的信心, 努力在生命中建設一座牢不可破的幸福宮殿, 而不是追求名譽和榮耀.

Rather than seeking fame and glory, we should strive to establish an indestructible "place" of happiness within our lives through sincere faith.

今日指導 四月二十七日

無論你目前被什麼困難所挫, 也要自豪地繼續前進, 經常採取行動, 並對將來抱着新的希望.
請確信, 只要你受持妙法, 那麼, 你為自曾經不屈不撓克服最惡劣的環境而由衷地感到喜悅的時候一定會來到.

No matter what difficulties may beset you at present, you should proudly continue to advance forward, always taking action and cherishing fresh hope for the future.
Please be convinced that as long as you embrace the Mystic Law, the time will come when you will heartily feel glad that you have persevered and been able to surmount the worst of circumstances.

星期二, 4月 29, 2008

今日指導 四月二十六日

將決心要做事實踐出來是很重要的, 這就是佛道修行.

It is important to bring about what one has determined; herein lies the Buddhist practice.
This is the key to one's happiness and to advancing one's human revolution.

今日指導 四月二十五日


Heartfelt words of encouragement help people grow.
One's compassion, stemming form strong faith and sense for kosen-rufu reverberate in the hearts of others.

今日指導 四月二十四日

我們以妙法為根本的信心之道將使我們達成廣宣流布, 使末法萬年的一切眾生皆得益.

Our way of faith based on the Mystic Law leads to attainment of kosen-rufu to benefit all people throughout the ten thousand years and more of the Latter Day of the Law.
It is the way to create a new era in the history of mankind, one based on respect for the dignity of human existence.
This is the mountain of kosen-rufu on which we venture our lives.

今日指導 四月二十三日

佛法的活力在於顯現社會的信心現証中, 而信心的現証則是努力唱題, 以及佛道修行各方面的成果.

The true teaching of Buddhism is in no way divorced form daily life or society.
Its vitality lies in the proof of faith, that unfolds in the midst of society as a result of one's efforts in daimoku and other aspects of our Buddhist practice.

星期一, 4月 28, 2008

今日指導 四月二十二日


Kosen-rufu does not lie off in the distance.
Sincerity and generous humanity towards those around you is the first step.

今日指導 四月二十一日

我們是通過早晚勤行, 以及致力於自行化他的佛道修行, 從最基本上磨練自己的生命.
以這個方式穩健地磨練下去, 我們將能夠在廣宣流布這一場"獨立戰"中取得大勝利.

We train our lives on the most fundamental level through conducting morning and evening gongyo, and by devoting ourselves to the practice of Buddhism for ourselves and for others.
It is by steadily training ourselves in this fashion that we will be able to achieve great victory in our "war of independence," that is kosen-rufu.

今日指導 四月二十日

真誠地實踐信心, 並以最認真的決心保護這佛法的人, 必定會受到諸天善神的保護, 而且能夠過一個"所願滿足" 的人生.

Those who carry out their faith sincerely and protect this Buddhism with the most serious determination will without doubt be protected by the Buddhist gods and will be able to lead a life in which "all desires are fulfilled."

星期四, 4月 24, 2008

女性に贈ることば365日 四月二十四日

春風の笑顔を 忘れずにいたい
太陽の希望を はつらつと輝かせたい
月光と語らいながら 知性を深めたい
白雪のごとく 清らかに光る人でありたい

星期三, 4月 23, 2008

女性に贈ることば365日 四月二十三日


星期二, 4月 22, 2008

女性に贈ることば365日 四月二十二日


女性に贈ることば365日 四月二十一日


女性に贈ることば365日 四月二十日


星期六, 4月 19, 2008

今日指導 四月十九日

這些努力, 需要不屈不撓的精神與勇氣.

Honest and continuing dialogue with a single person is important.
In these efforts, requiring perseverance and courage, there lies the brilliant possibility of kosen-rufu's unlimited expansion.

星期五, 4月 18, 2008

今日指導 四月十八日

這樣的努力會令你培養出新的自信心, 並為你的將來打開新的前景.

Buckle down to your present task, giving it your all.
Through such efforts, you will be able to develop fresh confidence and open up new prospects for the future.

星期四, 4月 17, 2008

今日指導 四月十七日

鍛鍊所需的責任感培養本身的人性, 並將本身的才能提升至更高的水平.

To extent oneself in the organisation is the best training.
The sense of responsibility this entails cultivates one's humanity, and raises his capability to a higher level.

星期三, 4月 16, 2008

今日指導 四月十六日

使栽種於生命裡的種子, 開出巨大的幸福之花, 結出佛界之果並不是一件簡單的事.
我們必須日日作勤行與唱誦題目, 接受正確的指導與鼓勵, 同時學習御書以培育佛法的種子.

It is not easy feat for a seed which has been planted in one life to blossom into a huge flower of happiness and bear the fruit of Buddhahood.
To nature our seed of Buddhahood, we must to daily gongyo and chant daimoku, receive correct guidance and encouragement, and study the gosho.

星期二, 4月 15, 2008

今日指導 四月十五日

即是受持了御本尊, 若沒有耕耘就無法進步.
更確實地說, 由於你信受這個信仰, 你應該加倍努力.

Buddhism is reason, and even though you may embrace faith in the Gohonzon, you cannot progress without making effort.
Rather, because you practise this faith you should redouble your efforts all the more.

星期一, 4月 14, 2008

今日指導 四月十四日

通過一生正確地受持御本尊, 我們可在生生世世湧現最高的生命境涯--佛界.
為了得到這類功德, 受持御本尊是我們必須遵守的唯一戒條.
在佛法上, 這是稱為"金剛寶器戒", 一個如鑽石般不可能破損的戒條.

By correctly embracing the Gohonzon throughout our lives, we can manifest Buddhahood, the supreme condition of life, in lifetime after lifetime.
In order to receive such benefit, to embrace the Gohonzon is the single precept that we must observe.
This is termed in Buddhism the precept of the diamond chalice, a precept which, like diamond chalice, a precept which, like diamond, is impossible to break.

今日指導 四月十三日

即使是與親近的朋友在一起, 彬彬有禮的表現是獲得他人的了解和信任的第一步.

When doing home visitation, one should behave with good sense.
Even with close friends, courteous behaviour is the first step to gaining understanding and trust.

今日指導 四月十二日

無論我們是被環境擊敗, 或是擁有打開困境之道的力量, 這些都是幸福的重要因素.

Whether we are defeated by our environment or whether we possess the strength necessary to clear a path through present, is an important ingredient in achieving happiness.

星期五, 4月 11, 2008

今日指導 四月十一日

人類真正的偉大之處並不在於積極地於燦爛的舞台上活動, 無論在偏僻的區域或不顯著的社會範疇, 都在一生之中致力達成己身使命的人是最尊貴的.

The real greatness of human beings lies not in being active on gorgeous stages.
A person who lives his life to fulfil his own mission, whether in a remote region or in some inconspicuous field of society, is the most valuable person.

星期四, 4月 10, 2008

今日指導 四月十日

勿論教育水平的高低, 學術工作的成就, 或教育地位的高低, 你都應該向真正的有深厚信心的人學習關於信心的事.
嘗試以自己的觀點, 了解信心是非常危險的.

Irrespective of your level of erudition, the brilliances of your academic career or the height of your social status, you should learn about matters of faith from someone who has truly deep faith.
Trying to understand faith based on your own views is extremely risky.

星期三, 4月 09, 2008

今日指導 四月九日

題目的唱誦是使生命富有生氣與蘇生的原動力, 不斷地使之得到推動.

The invocation of daimoku is the driving force to enliven and revitalize one's life, constantly spurring it on.
Daimoku will turn suffering into a spring-board for growth and progress.