不過, 在一個對妙法持着強盛信心的人來說, 這些煩惱將成為菩提, 以及幸福人生的寶藏.
只要有信心, 一切都有助於磨練我們的性格, 增添我們的幸福.
Earthly desires (bonno) are the eternal destiny of human beings.
But for one with strong faith in the Mystic Law, they will become enlightenment (bodai) and the treasure of a happy state of life.
With faith, everything can serve to help strengthen and polish our character and expand our happiness.
星期五, 8月 15, 2008
今日指導 八月十六日
當以信心認真地向御本尊祈求時, 現實生活中所發生的一切問題--即源自無明或惡業的痛苦, 可被理解成, 而實際上, 可轉換為使我們得到智慧與功德的緣.
When one prays earnestly to the Gohonzon with a mind of faith, all the problems occurring in the realities of daily life -- that is, the sufferings arising from illusions or as the effects of bad karma -- can be perceived as, and actually transformed into, influence leading to enlightened wisdom and benefit .
This great road of happiness lies in our dairy life, based upon faith.
When one prays earnestly to the Gohonzon with a mind of faith, all the problems occurring in the realities of daily life -- that is, the sufferings arising from illusions or as the effects of bad karma -- can be perceived as, and actually transformed into, influence leading to enlightened wisdom and benefit .
This great road of happiness lies in our dairy life, based upon faith.
今日指導 八月十五日
那是本身的勝利, 亦是廣宣流布的勝利.
Win people's trust in everything.
That is both your own victory and a victory for kosen-rufu.
那是本身的勝利, 亦是廣宣流布的勝利.
Win people's trust in everything.
That is both your own victory and a victory for kosen-rufu.
今日指導 八月十四日
日蓮大聖人教示妙法擁有無窮的力量, 彌漫着整個宇宙.
你已經受持妙法, 因此必定能享有繁榮和福運.
Nichiren Daishonin teaches that the Mystic Law possesses limitless power, permeating the entire universe.
You already embrace the Mystic Law.
Therefore, it is certain that you will enjoy prosperity and good fortune.
你已經受持妙法, 因此必定能享有繁榮和福運.
Nichiren Daishonin teaches that the Mystic Law possesses limitless power, permeating the entire universe.
You already embrace the Mystic Law.
Therefore, it is certain that you will enjoy prosperity and good fortune.
星期三, 8月 13, 2008
今日指導 八月十三日
在無常的變化中, 信心使我們正確地掌握每一種情况, 並以最有成效的方式一一地應對.
Nothing can stop time.
Within the context of infinite change, our faith enables us to grasp each situation correctly and to cope with it in the most productive manner.
Faith is the driving force to take us in the direction of absolute happiness.
在無常的變化中, 信心使我們正確地掌握每一種情况, 並以最有成效的方式一一地應對.
Nothing can stop time.
Within the context of infinite change, our faith enables us to grasp each situation correctly and to cope with it in the most productive manner.
Faith is the driving force to take us in the direction of absolute happiness.
星期二, 8月 12, 2008
今日指導 八月十二日
讓我們不屈不撓, 一個都不例外地培育每一位會友成為信心堅強的一份子.
Let's take pains to raise each of our members to be individuals of great faith, without a single exception.
Let's take pains to raise each of our members to be individuals of great faith, without a single exception.
星期一, 8月 11, 2008
今日指導 八月十一日
無論會發生什麼痛苦的事情, 都以題目面對並克服它.
這麼一來, 你將會打開一個俱足常, 樂, 我, 淨的生命, 這更是通往一生成佛之道.
No matter what bitter or painful thing may happen, bear up and overcome it through daimoku.
As you do so, a life marked by the virtues of eternity(jo), happiness(raku), true self(ga) and purity(jo) will unfold.
This is, moreover, the path of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.
這麼一來, 你將會打開一個俱足常, 樂, 我, 淨的生命, 這更是通往一生成佛之道.
No matter what bitter or painful thing may happen, bear up and overcome it through daimoku.
As you do so, a life marked by the virtues of eternity(jo), happiness(raku), true self(ga) and purity(jo) will unfold.
This is, moreover, the path of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.
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