星期六, 8月 09, 2008

今日指導 八月十日


People's trust is gained through constant efforts to be faithful and to keep promise.
We must also muster up a life-force great enough to comprehend others patiently.

今日指導 八月九日

對於我們所作的努力, 我們絕不應落到認為"自己無事可做"的地步.
相反地, 在修行方面持着"不遺餘力於廣宣流布"的決心, 是深厚信心的反映.

Concerning our endeavours, there should never come a point when we feel "there is nothing left for us to do."
To practise, instead, with the determination that "we will spare no effort for kosen-rufu" is a reflection of our deep faith.

星期五, 8月 08, 2008

今日指導 八月八日

你負有為21 世紀的世界承擔責任的重要使命.
因此, 你絕不應受制於膚淺的時代潮流, 你應傾全力扎下生命的基礎.

True happiness does not exist in the pursuit of superficial value.
You have an important mission to shoulder responsibility for the world in the 21st century.
Therefore, you should never be carried away by shallow trends of the times and you should exert yourselves to lay the foundation of your life.

星期四, 8月 07, 2008

今日指導 八月七日

持着這勝利, 我們能展開清新與充實的一天.

First of all, let's overcome our own weakness.
With this victory, we can launch a fresh and fulfilling day.
For Buddhist practice begins with winning over our own weakness.

今日指導 八月六日

我們應該遵守社會的法律與條規, 身為本門佛法的信徒, 我們絕不應違反這類條例.

Social rules and common sense should be followed.
We should abide by the laws and rules of society, and as believers in true Buddhism, we should never break such rules.

今日指導 八月五日

信心包括深奧的功德與無量的福運; 它包含宇宙的偉大力量, 甚至改變所居住的土地.
信心是無限喜悅, 智慧和慈悲的泉源.

Faith includes unfathomable benefit and limitless good fortune; it contains the great power of the universe, transforming even the land in which one lives.
Faith is the source of infinite joy, wisdom and compassion.
Each of you already possesses this supreme nourishment for life.
All that you have to do is to tap its limitless power.

星期一, 8月 04, 2008

今日指導 八月四日

在信心中, 人心是最重要的, 那些以一顆清純的心向社會的改進和諧地前進的人, 將在其生命中燦爛地閃耀一道美與希望的彩虹.

In faith, one's heart is of utmost importance.
A rainbow of beauty and hope shines splendidly in the lives of people who advance harmoniously for the betterment of society with a pure heart.