只有通過根深蒂固的信心, 才可醖釀大歡喜與大確信.
Faith can be either strong or week, deep or shallow.
Only through strong, deep faith can one develop great joy and great confidence.
He can also make himself shine throughout his life with such faith.
星期一, 2月 18, 2008
今日指導 二月二十日
因為信心的目的是要達到一生成佛, 只有一生貫徹信心, 才可以說是在正確地修行.
如果在半途退轉, 就不能算是真實的信心.
Maintain your faith throughout your life.
Beacuse the purpose of faith is to attain enlightenment in this lifetime, you can declare that you have practised faith correctly only when you have carried it out throughout your life.
If you should backslide halfway, you can by no means say that your faith was genuine.
因為信心的目的是要達到一生成佛, 只有一生貫徹信心, 才可以說是在正確地修行.
如果在半途退轉, 就不能算是真實的信心.
Maintain your faith throughout your life.
Beacuse the purpose of faith is to attain enlightenment in this lifetime, you can declare that you have practised faith correctly only when you have carried it out throughout your life.
If you should backslide halfway, you can by no means say that your faith was genuine.
今日指導 二月十九日
受持御本尊, 勤行和唱題都是表現求道心的行動.
再者, 拜讀御書, 參加大小型的會議以及接受指導, 同樣的都是求道心的表現.
A seeking spirit means taking action.
Embracing the Gohonzon, doing gongyo and chanting daimoku to the Gonhonzon are all action which reflect one's seeking mind.
Moreover, reading the gosho, attending meeting, whether larger or small, and receiving guidance are, in a similar sense, expressions of one's seeking spirit.
受持御本尊, 勤行和唱題都是表現求道心的行動.
再者, 拜讀御書, 參加大小型的會議以及接受指導, 同樣的都是求道心的表現.
A seeking spirit means taking action.
Embracing the Gohonzon, doing gongyo and chanting daimoku to the Gonhonzon are all action which reflect one's seeking mind.
Moreover, reading the gosho, attending meeting, whether larger or small, and receiving guidance are, in a similar sense, expressions of one's seeking spirit.
今日指導 二月十八日
推進廣宣流布乃佛敕佛意, 也是最大的榮譽.
To promote the cause of kosen-rufu, which is the Buddha's will, is in itself the greatest glory and honour.
Please be confident that doing so will lead to your eternal good fortune.
To promote the cause of kosen-rufu, which is the Buddha's will, is in itself the greatest glory and honour.
Please be confident that doing so will lead to your eternal good fortune.
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