星期一, 10月 20, 2008

今日指導 十月二十一日

勝利固然重要, 但更重要的是建立一個在任何情況下都不會被擊敗的自我.
佛又稱為能忍, 即一個能夠忍耐的人.
因此, 年輕人必須牢記, 辛勤地在自己生命深處建立忍耐力的基礎是有必要的.

Although victory is important, it is more important for one to construct a self which will not be defeated under any circumstances.
The Buddha is called Nonin, one who can endure.
Thus young people must bear in mind the need to painstakingly build a foundation of endurance in the depths of their lives.
