星期日, 6月 08, 2008

今日指導 六月七日

我們有轉換宿命的信心, 並且唱誦題目--大歡喜的泉源.
因此, 當我們向着御本尊唱題目, 我們能夠將生命中的大歡喜湧現出來時, 我們能夠解決一切的苦惱與不幸.

We are fortune enough to embrace the Gohonzon.
We have faith, which enables us to change our destiny, and we chant daimoku, the source of tremendous joy.
The gosho states, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest joy of all joys." In this sense, as we can resolve all of our problems and unhappiness.
