你們也是地涌菩薩的勇敢眷屬, 持着將幸福帶給國家的誓願在這裡誕生.
因此, 只要你本着強盛的信心, 傾全力在日常生活中取得成功, 且又貢獻社會, 你必定能明白人生的真正幸福, 將你的生命冠以永恆的榮譽與福運.
You are all important emissaries of the Buddha and the Buddha's children.
You are also brave followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, who were born here with the pledge to bring happiness to your country.
Therefore, as long as you exert yourself to succeed in your daily life and to contribute to society based on strong faith, you will assuredly be able to realise true happiness in life, and to crown your life with eternal merit and good fortune.