星期六, 10月 18, 2008

今日指導 - 第三集 ~ 十月十八日

為信念而活的人是堅強的。即使最初看似敗了, 但最後必將放出勝利者的光輝。為信念而活的人, 其人格生輝, 分辨清善惡, 能順著軌道一直前進。

Those who live true to their convictions are strong. Even if at one time it may appear that they have lost, in the end they will shine with human victory. The character and integrity of those who live based on their convictions shine. They can clearly distinguish what is good and what is evil, and advance unerringly on their chosen path in life.

星期五, 10月 17, 2008

今日指導 - 第二集 ~ 十月十七日


The husband is not the centre of the relationship, nor is the wife. It's not a question of who is the leader or who must make himself or herself a sacrifice for the other's success and happiness. Just as a song is a marriage of music and lyrics, husband and wife are equal individuals who, at the same time, perform a single melody of life together. What is important, I think, is how beautiful a song those two life partners can create together.

星期三, 10月 15, 2008

今日指導 十月十六日

實際上, 在幕後默默耕耘的人當中往往有許多才華洋溢的人.

You cannot judge a person's character simply on the basis of his position or appearance.
Rather, there are often many talented people among those who labour silently in the background.

今日指導 十月十五日

雖然理想很重要, 但缺乏現實的平衡是不能在實際生活的奮鬥中帶來勝利的.
相反地, 喪失了理想的現實生活將會很快地陷入純粹的丑陋中.

Although idealism is very important, idealism without a balancing touch of realism cannot bring victory in the struggles of real life.
On the other hand, a reality bereft of ideals will quickly sink into mere ugliness.

星期二, 10月 14, 2008

今日指導 十月十四日

如果你只因生活上的一點挫折而一味地煩惱, 嘆息, 這最終將會導致失敗的一生.
失敗其實是養精蓄銳的時候, 你必須將它作為跳板, 那麼勝利會接踵而至.

If you do nothing but fret and sigh because of a set-back on one front of life, this can end up bringing your whole life down in defeat.
A defeat is the time to build up your energies; you must make defeat the stepping-off point for the victories that will follow.

今日指導 十月十三日

即使是受持御本尊, 如果缺乏信心的話, 祈願將不會實現, 功德亦不會到來.

Even though one may embrace the Gohonzon, if he lacks faith, his prayers will not be answered and no benefit will be forthcoming.

星期日, 10月 12, 2008

今日指導 十月十二日

由於生命中積聚着福運, 因此就算是最大的障礙, 你也肯定地能將之克服.

With all your efforts in the practice of faith you will accumulate an infinite amount of good fortune.
Due to the fortune stored in your life, you will definitely be able to overcome even the greatest obstacles.

今日指導 十月十一日

若你保持對御本尊的信心到臨終一刻, 將可避免陷入悲哀的黑暗中, 即使處在死亡階段, 亦能享有最高的境涯.

If you maintain your faith in the Gohonzon until the last moment of your life, you will be able to escape the darkness of sorrow and enjoy the highest possible condition even in the phase of death.