星期五, 8月 01, 2008

今日指導 八月三日

那麼無論你表面上多麼勤勵於信心, 你絕不能享受到御本尊的功德.
因此, 當你為貴國奮鬥時, 我希望你能保持一顆青純的心而滿懷信心地渡過你最寶貴的人生.

Should you lose your pure, innocent heart, and instead develop arrogance and ugly ambition within yourself, no matter how much you may appear devoted to faith on the surface, you will never enjoy the benefits of the Gohonzon.
For this reason, I hope you will maintain a pure heart and live out your most precious existence confidently, as you strive for the sake of your country.

今日指導 八月二日

你們也是地涌菩薩的勇敢眷屬, 持着將幸福帶給國家的誓願在這裡誕生.
因此, 只要你本着強盛的信心, 傾全力在日常生活中取得成功, 且又貢獻社會, 你必定能明白人生的真正幸福, 將你的生命冠以永恆的榮譽與福運.

You are all important emissaries of the Buddha and the Buddha's children.
You are also brave followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, who were born here with the pledge to bring happiness to your country.
Therefore, as long as you exert yourself to succeed in your daily life and to contribute to society based on strong faith, you will assuredly be able to realise true happiness in life, and to crown your life with eternal merit and good fortune.

今日指導 八月一日

通過在一生中堅持信心, 你能獲得人類生存的終極成就--佛界.

We practise faith in order to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.
By persevering in faith throughout your life you can achieve Buddhahood, the ultimate fruition of human existence.

星期四, 7月 31, 2008

今日指導 七月三十一日

成為王道之人, 勿為霸道之人.
成為民眾之領導者, 勿為權力之工具.
成為大眾之友, 勿為財之奴棣.
成為善之智者, 勿為狡猾邪惡之人.

Be a man of right, never one of might.
Be a leader of the people, never the tool of authority.
Be the friend of the masses, never the slave of wealth.
Be a wise man of good, never a cunning evil one.

星期三, 7月 30, 2008

今日指導 七月三十日

在人生中擁有一位師匠, 是幸福與大喜悅的泉源.
縱然自己察覺不到, 但當你自豪地追尋自己所選擇的師弟之道時, 美與高尚的情操當自你生命深處發出光芒.

In life, having a master is a source of happiness and great joy.
The deep relationship between master and disciple is not readily understandable to others.
Although unnoticed, when you pursue and proudly carry on in the way of master and disciple which you have chosen, beauty and nobleness will radiate from the depths of your life.

星期二, 7月 29, 2008

今日指導 七月二十九日

事實上, 只有在經歷逆境的考驗時, 希望才真正地得以鞏固.
缺乏考驗的希望往往只是飛逝, 空幻的夢.

Hope exists even in the midst of adversity.
In fact, only when you undergo the ordeals of adversity will your hope be truly fortified.
Hope without ordeal is often nothing more than fleeting, idealistic dreams.

星期一, 7月 28, 2008

今日指導 七月二十八日

只有以大量誠懇的題目, 以及為他人和廣宣流布所採取的勇敢行動支持着的信心, 才可說是完美的信心.
在這種意義上, 我要你確信, 你日夜為他人的幸福而努力活動, 正與佛法崇高與普遍的原理一致.

One's faith can be said to be perfect only when it is supported with sincere abundant daimoku and courageous action for others and kosen-rufu.
In this sense I want you to be deeply convinced that your day-and-night efforts in activities for the happiness of others are exactly in tune with the supreme and universal of Buddhism.