星期三, 7月 09, 2008

今日指導 七月六日

我們是佛教徒, 也是平民及社會的一份子.
所以, 我們要努力做個優秀公民, 對社會作出的貢獻要比其他人來的多.
然而, 身為佛教徒, 我們最基本上必須明白到自己就是地涌菩薩的眷屬.
因此, 為了人民及實現和平, 我們應在余暇致力於廣宣流布的活動和本門佛法的宣弘.

We are Buddhist, but we are also ordinary citizen and members of society.
So, we strive to be excellent citizens who contribute to society more than others.
However, as Buddhists, our most fundamental understanding should be that we are followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.
As such, we should dedicate ourselves in our spare time to kosen-rufu activities and to the propagation of true Buddhism, in order to realise peace and for the sake of people.
The important thing is to have a deep sense of mission.
