星期一, 9月 29, 2008

今日指導 九月二十七日

你應該深深地自覺到我們的廣布之役, 亦即日蓮大聖人的御遺願是一連串無休止的障礙與嚴峻的奮鬥.
倘若抱着得過且過的態度, 一味追求功德, 或信心修行處於被動, 平靜, 又或逃避任何痛處和挑戰的話, 你將無法完成任何大事.

You should be deeply aware that our battle for kosen-rufu, the will of Nichiren Daishonin, is an endless succession of obstacles, and severe struggles.
If you pursue nothing but benefit with an easy-going attitude, or if you practise faith in a passive, uneventful way, avoiding any kind of pain or challenge, you will never accomplish anything great.
