星期六, 8月 23, 2008

今日指導 八月二十四日

在佛法上, 每一個人都好比是自然世界.
無論你的環境絕得如冬天陰沉沉的天空般惡劣, 都要記得, 春夏之花正等着在你心中綻放.

Buddhism looks upon the individual human being as comparable to the natural world.
No matter how hopelessly adverse your circumstances may be, like a gloomy, winter sky, remember that the flowering seasons of spring and summer are waiting in your heart to blossom.

今日指導 八月二十三日

在成長的過程中, 你將會在兩者之間選擇其一.
若是向善方走, 幸福之道將逐漸為你展開; 若是向惡方走, 你將無可避免地會墮入地獄般痛苦的人生.

Human beings have both a good side and a bad side.
From here on, as you grow, you will be choosing in which of these two directions you will go.
If you pursue the good side, the path of happiness will gradually unfold for you.
If you choose the negative side, your choice will inevitably result in a life of hellish suffering.

今日指導 八月二十二日

謹慎固然重要, 但無論甚麼謹慎, 也是有個極限.
不管察覺與否, 唯一確實與基本的預防方法, 就是向着御本尊的認真祈求.

Many accidents happen in society.
Caution is of course important, but there are limits cautions one can be.
Whether one is consciously aware of it or not, the only sure and fundamental precaution is earnest prayer to the Gohonzon.

星期四, 8月 21, 2008

今日指導 八月二十一日

組織是有必要的, 因為我們能以御本尊為根本, 互相鼓勵, 互相保護, 在穩健的信心道路上無誤地前進.

An organisation is needed so that, based on the Gohonzon, we can encourage each other, protect each other, and advance without error on the path of steadfast faith.
A consistent practice of gongyo and daimoku is essential.

星期三, 8月 20, 2008

今日指導 八月二十日

你單獨地來到這個世界, 也將單獨地離去.
你必須通過唱誦題目, 不斷地加強自己.
題目是最不可思議的醫藥, 而其功效是無限的.

You will born into this world alone and you will die alone.
This cycle will continue eternally.
You must continually strengthen yourself by chanting daimoku, the most wondrous medicine, whose efficacy is unlimited.

星期二, 8月 19, 2008

今日指導 八月十九日

希望你對信心的偉大滿懷自信, 並且渡過使自己的工作場所, 團體與社會充滿光輝的生活.

Faith is the important thing.
Everything is ultimately determined by the strength of one's faith.
I hope you will be confident of the greatness of faith, and lead lives that brighten your work places, communities and society itself.

星期一, 8月 18, 2008

今日指導 八月十八日

首先, 唱誦題目.
首先, 保持身體健康.
首先, 愉快地工作.
首先, 打好經濟基礎.
首先, 採取主動.

First, chant daimoku.
First, be in good health.
First, work cheerfully.
First, establish your finances.
And first, take the initiative.