星期五, 9月 12, 2008

今日指導 九月十二日

今生磨練信心時, 我們會遭受到一些障礙, 以及源自宿業不同程度的苦痛.
然而, 若以過去, 現在與未來的永恆觀點視之, 這些障礙, 苦痛實在是微不足道的.
當我們奮起, 向弘教與挽救人們的問題挑戰時, 我們將不會被細小的困難所困撓或動搖.

As we carry out our faith in this lifetime, we will experience some obstacles as well as various degrees of suffering arising from our karma.
However, when viewed form our eternal perspective of past, present and future, these things are truly insignificant.
When we stand up and challenge the great problem of spreading the Law and saving the people, we will not be captured or swayed by minor difficulties.

星期四, 9月 11, 2008

今日指導 九月十一日

我們必須敏鋭地知道, 當一個人在精神頽喪, 生病, 或有問題時, 鼓勵對他是極端重要的.
即使是衷心的一個字, 片言隻語, 也可能改善他的一生.

We must be keenly aware that when a person is suffering form a weak spirit, from sickness, or form other problems, encouragement is extremely important.
Even a single word of heartfelt encouragement may change a person's entire life for the better.

今日指導 九月十日

因此一個人信心之一念越清純, 御本尊就越快, 越深地對祈求作出反應.
記住, 這正是信心的極理與大聖人佛法的正確修行.

The Gohonzon is the pure, incomparable entity of Buddhahood.
Therefore, the purer one's ichinen of faith, the more quickly and profoundly the Gohonzon will respond to one's prayers.
Remember that herein lies the ultimate principle of faith and the correct practice of the Daishonin's Buddhism.

星期二, 9月 09, 2008

今日指導 九月九日

即使是修行信心, 你依然會患病或遭遇其他種種問題.
然而通過"煩惱即菩提"的原理, 一切問題將會變成幸福的基礎, 將你引向成佛.
請你們明白, 促成這一轉變的, 就是信心.

Even though you practise faith, you may still suffer form illness or various other problems.
However, through the principle of "earthly desires are enlightenment," all problems become the foundation for your happiness, leading you towards enlightenment.
Please understand that faith is what allows this transformation to take place.

星期一, 9月 08, 2008

今日指導 九月八日

我希望你勤勵於勤行與題目, 以便自己過着最大滿足的人生.

I would like you to be diligent in the practice of gongyo and daimoku so that you will lead a life of ultimate satisfaction.
The Gohonzon embodies the highest of all laws.
No path in life is more significant than one based on chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon.

星期日, 9月 07, 2008

今日指導 九月七日

年輕時, 由於不可能了解一切事物, 也不可能完全毫無拘束地取得進展, 因此, 憂慮, 煩惱是自然的.
記住, 這充滿問題與痛苦的困惑時期, 其實是使你投向一個完滿與充實的未來的一塊沃土.

Youth is a time of worries and troubles.
This is only natural, since one cannot possibly understand everything and make completely unrestricted progress while still young.
Remember that this confused period of problems and suffering serves, rather, as fertile ground form which to launch oneself towards a complete and fulfilling future.

今日指導 九月六日

否則, 你便無法擊敗自己生命裡的"魔", 這個"魔"令你項追求個人名利的這種慾望妥協.
因此, 除非你保持純潔的信心, 不然, 你將會不能邁向幸福的境界.

Your faith should always be pure, otherwise, you will be unable to defeat the "devil" that exists within your own life.
This devil leads you to compromise with such tendencies as the desire to seek self-centred fame and gain.
Therefore, you will be unable to advance towards a condition of happiness unless you maintain pure faith.