表面上看來, 一個人似乎身受深重的宿業果報.
不過, 當我們以強盛的信心與三世永恆的生命觀看待事物時, 就可明白依據"轉重輕受"的原理, 這其實是以較輕的形式承受宿業果報.
受持妙法, 並喜悅地促進廣宣流布活動的人是絕不會感到不快樂的.
On the surface, one may appear to be suffering form the effects of heavy karma.
However, when we view things form the standpoint of strong faith and the eternal perspective of past, present and future, one will realise that he is presently receiving the effects of his past karma in a much lightened form, in accord with the principle of "lessening one's karmic retribution" (tenju kyoju).
One who embraces the law of Myoho, and joyfully promotes activities for kosen-rufu, will absolutely never be unhappy.