星期五, 8月 29, 2008

今日指導 八月三十一日

目前你可能在日常生活中, 有着種種的憂慮, 不過, 妙法能使你以沈着的態度解決一切問題, 使之成為成長的跳板.
它也促使你在日復日, 月復月, 年復年中渡過充實與最有價值的人生.

You may have various worries right now in your daily life.
However, it is the Mystic Law which enables you to solve any and all problems with composure, making them a spring-board for your further growth.
It also enables you to live out your life with total fulfillment and in the most valuable way, day after day, month after month, and year after year.
