星期五, 6月 20, 2008

今日指導 六月二十一日

只要你是勇敢的, 你絕不會讓惡緣影響你的佛道修行.
你可以過一個真正富有意義的人生, 好好地享受人生的每一方面.
如果你有足夠的勇氣, 你將能感受到一股巨大的強盛生命力的高潮, 使你轉換惡業.
同時, 你對廣宣流布所懷有的使命感也就更強烈.

So long as you are courageous, you will never be swayed form your Buddhist practice by evil influences.
You can live a truly meaningful existence, deeply enjoying every aspect of your life.
If you are courageous enough, you will experience a great upsurge of strong life-force which will enable you to change your negative karma.
At the same time, your sense of mission for kosen-rufu will also become stronger.
