星期五, 9月 19, 2008

今日指導 九月十九日

我們拜讀與學習入<<開目抄>>這類御書是為了使我們接觸日蓮大聖人廣大無邊的御境界, 從而建立一個牢固的信心基礎.
因此, 希望你們在穩固的基礎上, 繼續拜讀御書.

What is the significance of reading the gosho?
It lies in deepening one's faith and preventing oneself form backsliding.
The reason why we read and study writings like "The Opening of the Eyes" is that by doing so, we are able to come into contact with Nichiren Daishonin's boundless life-condition and thereby build a solid foundation for our own faith.
Therefore, I would like to ask you to continue reading the gosho on a steady basis.
