星期六, 3月 01, 2008

今日指導 三月一日

無論發生什麼事, 你一定要日日實踐勤行與唱題的修行.
勤行與唱題使生命內奧產生一股生氣勃勃和堅強的生命力, 給予你解決人生苦難的力量.
因此, 你絕不應藉口太忙或太累而忽略勤行.

No matter what happens, you must carry out the practice of gongyo and chant daimoku everyday.
Doing gongyo and chanting daimoku give rise to a bright and vibrant life-force from the depths of your life, giving you the power to resolve life difficulties.
Therefore, you should never neglect gongyo on account of too busy or to tired.
Never "pull the plug" of your faith.

今日指導 二月二十九日

只要你信心和活動方面都很認真, 一切將會成為福運與功德.

To the extent that one is earnest in his faith and activities, everything will become his faith and activities, everything will become his good fortune and benefit.
Don't let grumbling or complaints lead you to abandon your faith.
Whether you gain or lose will become clear ten or twenty years down the line.

今日指導 二月二十八日

在家庭, 地域與社會中, 勇氣對個人信心的修行是有必要的.
此外, 只有勇猛的信心才有助於證明我們的正義.

I sincerely hope you will advance with courage.
Courage is necessary in an individual's practice of faith in the family, in the community and in society as a whole.
Furthermore, only courageous faith is instrumental in proving our justice.

今日指導 二月二十七日

佛道修行與推進廣宣流布的真正舞台就是在自己的工作崗位上, 社區或簡言之, 是目前所處的地方.

The true stage of your Buddhist practice and action for kosen-rufu is none other than your place of work, your community, or, in short, the place where you exist right now.
Please have deep conviction that right here is the place where you must exert yourself for the sake of kosen-rufu and for your own enlightenment.

今日指導 二月二十六日

單單將"信心"掛在口上是很容易的, 然而, 將信心付諸於行動卻很困難.
不過, 學會的活動是富有意義的, 它讓我們共同奮鬥, 不斷地鞏固我們的信心並互相激勵向上.

It is easy to simply parrot the word " faith."
However, putting faith into practice is difficult.
The activities of the Gakkai are significant, however, in that they allow us to strive together to continually solidify our faith and to help one another improve.
This is the purpose of our organisation and the basis of unity of itai doshin.

星期一, 2月 25, 2008

今日指導 二月二十五日


Please understand that your daily practice of gongyo and your continuous activities for kosen-rufu, based upon faith, ultimately return to you as fortune and benefit.
This is the nature of the Daishonin's Buddhism.

星期日, 2月 24, 2008

今日指導 二月二十四日

讓我們使每一個人以清新, 誠懇並與御本尊直接聯繫的信心實現所有的意願.

Put an end to onshitsu.
It is your enemy and stand in the way of benefit.
Let's enable everyone to fulfil all their desires with fresh, honest faith linked directly to the Gohonzon.

今日指導 二月二十三日

只有通過信心才可獲得妙法的力量, 因此, 你應該一刻也絕不退轉地懷着希望與勇氣實踐信心.

Myoho is a great law or principle that possesses absolute power.
One who lacks power cannot be truly happy, or save others from suffering.
Only through faith can one obtain this absolute power of Myoho.
Therefore, you should carry out faith with hope and courage, never regressing even for a moment.

今日指導 二月二十二日

如果你的信心脆弱, 那麼痛苦將轉為抱怨與批評, 也將會使自己的功德消失無蹤.
在你建設一個具足功德的充實人生時, 千萬不可忘記"信心"二字的重要性.

Any difficult problem or suffering can be solved with faith.
If your faith becomes weak, then suffering will turn into complaint and criticism, and your will destroy the source of benefit in your life.
Faith gives rise to a life of the highest value and greatest satisfaction.
Never forget the importance of the world "faith" as you build a life of a total fulfillment which is overflowing with benefit.