星期六, 1月 12, 2008

今日指導 一月十二日

對我們而言, 具有堅定的精神達成廣宣流布, 並且持著清新的信心態度, 使自己經常恢復生氣, 至為重要.

Our goal in life is completely different from that of others.
We are in no way motivated by the pursuit of worldly fame and fortune.
What matters to us is having the determined spirit to achieve kosen-rufu, always revitalizing ourselves with a fresh attitude in faith.

星期五, 1月 11, 2008

今日指導 一月十一日


A capable person is one who embraces the rigours of faith and kosen-rufu with lifelong devotion.

星期四, 1月 10, 2008

今日指導 一月十日

日蓮大聖人說, 貫徹信心到底最為重要, 而且只是對信心持之以恆, 現在與將來的一切願望最終必將實現.
無論如何都要繼續唱題, 這一點絕不可忘記.

Nichiren Daishonin says that the most important point is to be consistent in your faith, and that as long as you are consistent, all your desires of the present and future will eventually be fulfilled.
The thing you should never forget is to continue chanting daimoku no matter what.

星期三, 1月 09, 2008

今日指導 一月九日

未經嚴格鍛鍊的人, 無法發揮其全部潛能, 也無法在生命的關鍵時刻作出明智之舉, 或完成大事.
一個缺乏鍛鍊的人, 在長期之下, 將會被人輕視, 並遭受痛苦.

Training means to dedicate ourselves sincerely to the two ways of practice and study.
A person who does not undergo rigorous training cannot be expected to express his full potential and act wisely at a crucial moment in life or to accomplish major undertakings.
A person who lacks training will, in the long run, be disregarded by others and experience painful suffering.

星期二, 1月 08, 2008

今日指導 一月八日

希望你在信心與生活兩方面永遠保持著一顆真挚, 誠實的心, 也希望你持著正確的人生觀與信心, 成為胸襟寬闊的人.

I hope that you will always maintain a sincere and honest mind both in your faith and in your life.
It is also my hope that, with a correct view of life and correct faith, you will become a person with a broad and magnanimous mind.

星期一, 1月 07, 2008

今日指導 一月七日

在碰到艱巨的困難時, 你或許絕望地感到一切都完了, 進而放棄一切.
然而, 你絕不應屈服於生活中的這類困難. 你非勝不可.
若你勝了, 你稍後將能以一股滿足感回顧自己曾經拼命掙扎過的日子.

When you encounter a severe difficulty, you may despairingly feel that it is the end of everything and give up.
However, you should never succumb to such difficulties in life. You must win by all means.
If you do you will later be able to look back with a feeling of satisfaction on your days of desperate struggle.

星期日, 1月 06, 2008

今日指導 一月六日

就是通過面對苦難的嚴峻考驗, 我們才可在生命內奧牢固地建立永不崩潰的佛界自我.

It is through the ordeal of facing hardships that we are able to firmly establish the indestructible self of Budddhahood in the depths of our lives.