星期五, 5月 09, 2008

今日指導 五月九日

信心使我們飛越困苦的山峰, 達成所願, 並開拓一片安穩的生命沃土.
無論置身于苦與樂, 只要繼續唱題, 你將開啟一條通往永不崩潰的幸福之道.

Everyone experiences hardship and problems.
One might even go so far as to say that the entire human race is caught up in a continual cycle of suffering.
Faith allows us to surmount a mountain of suffering, fulfill our desires, and open the fertile plains of a secure and peaceful life.
When you continue to chant, whether you are in pain or joy, you will open up a great road to indestructible happiness.
