這是個完全自由, 毫無拘束的生命境涯, 我們可在其內永遠享有常樂我淨.
於內的佛界中的"我"在六道循環的現實生活中, 展開各種活動完成我們達到廣宣流布和挽救眾生脫離苦海的使命.
The life of Buddhahood spans eternity.
It is a completely free and unrestricted state of life in which we can always enjoy the enlightened properties of eternity, happiness, true self and purity (jo raku ga jo).
With this "self" of Buddhahood hidden within us, we carry out our various activities in the reality of the lower Six Worlds to fulfill our mission to accomplish kosen-rufu and to save all people from suffering.