星期五, 8月 29, 2008

今日指導 八月三十一日

目前你可能在日常生活中, 有着種種的憂慮, 不過, 妙法能使你以沈着的態度解決一切問題, 使之成為成長的跳板.
它也促使你在日復日, 月復月, 年復年中渡過充實與最有價值的人生.

You may have various worries right now in your daily life.
However, it is the Mystic Law which enables you to solve any and all problems with composure, making them a spring-board for your further growth.
It also enables you to live out your life with total fulfillment and in the most valuable way, day after day, month after month, and year after year.

今日指導 八月三十日

如果你將時間浪費在猶豫, 埋怨或批評他人中, 或屈服於自身的惰性, 你的青春將會不知不覺間自你身邊溜走.

Life passes quickly.
If you waste your time in hesitation, complaining or criticing others, or if you yield to you own lazy nature, before you know it, your youth will have passed you by.
Each and every day is very important.
It is my hope that you will spend a fulfilled life.

今日指導 八月二十九日

那些保持堅定不移的決意, 絕不放棄信心的人, 必定會受到十方諸佛的守護.

It is certain that those who maintain an immovable determination never to discard faith will receive the protection of all Buddhas.

星期四, 8月 28, 2008

今日指導 八月二十八日

職責, 社會地位與財富全都具有各自相對的重要性.
不過, 歸根究底, 真正的幸福却是決定於個人的生命境涯.

Position, social status and wealth all have their own relative importance, but, in the final analysis, real happiness is determined by one's state of life.

星期三, 8月 27, 2008

今日指導 八月二十七日

唯有憑借南無妙法蓮華經這至高無上的法則, 才能轉變原本注定要承受的痛苦, 並且一生過着人類所渴求的幸福人生.
為此, 信心是很重要的.

Only by means of the supreme law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can one change the suffering to which is he is destined.
He can also enjoy happiness throughout his life, which is the desire of all human beings.
For this purpose, faith is essential.

星期二, 8月 26, 2008

今日指導 八月二十六日

在生活, 工作, 或任何其他方面遇到困難, 並不可恥.
重要的是自己的信心, 以及如何能轉換自己的宿命.

There is no shame in having troubles in life, work, or any other area.
Nor is there any need to lose self-confidence on that account .
What matters is your faith, and how you can change your destiny.
Always maintain a faith that is directly connected to the Gohonzon.

星期一, 8月 25, 2008

今日指導 八月二十五日

你可能正面臨由於種種問題與障礙而起的境况, 使你無法如願前進.
但是, 你目前的辛勞肯定地會使你在未來得到巨大的發展.

You may now be faced with a situation in which, because of various problems and obstacles, you are unable to advance as you would wish.
However, your present painstaking efforts definitely ensure that you will experience great development in the future.