星期一, 6月 02, 2008

今日指導 六月二日

當某國家內唱題的人數增加時, 這個國家可說是處於朝向實現立正安國, 即是通過宣弘本門佛法以"安國"的道路上.
當然, 一個國家要和平, 其鄰國也必須和平.
當每一個國家都領悟到"立正安國"的原理時, 真正的世界和平方可實現.

When the number of people in a particular who chant daimoku grows, it can be said that the nation is on a course towards realising rissho ankoku, or securing the peace of the land through propagation of true Buddhism.
Of course, for one country to be at peace, its neighbouring countries must also be at peace.
True world peace can be established when each individual nation realise this principle of rissho ankoku.
