無論面對什麼情況, 一個以勇氣不斷地唱誦南無妙法蓮華經的人, 將能因法力和信力的關係而湧現佛界並與常樂我淨的宇宙韻律一支.
除了通過佛法的修行可達到一個不崩潰的生命境涯外, 被無其他的方法.
A person who constantly chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with courage, no matter what circumstances he may face, will be able to manifest Buddhahood and live in accordance with the universal rhythm of eternity, happiness, true self and purity (jo raku ga jo), due to the power of the law and the power of faith.
This is the reason for our Buddhist practice.
There is no other way to realise a life-condition as indestructible as that which we can attain through the practice of Buddhism.