我們為了推進廣宣流布與磨練信心而存在的組織, 好比是連接我們的生命與信心血脈的橋樑, 幫助我們成佛與得到絕對的幸福.
不過, 認為可單獨修行而脫離組織的人, 會傾於在信心上發展一種為個人看法與偏見所歪曲的我見態度.
Our organisation, which exists to promote kosen-rufu and polish our faith, can be compared to a bridge which connects our lives with the lifeblood of faith, helping us attain enlightenment and absolute happiness.
One who leaves the organisation, however, thinking it fine to practise alone at his own convenience, tends to develop a self-righteous attitude in faith, which is distorted by personal views and biases.