身為地涌菩薩的眷屬, 我們為妙法的廣宣流布而立起奮鬥.
因此, 只要信心是真誠的, 行動是真心的, 必會受到御本尊的佑護.
這些具有清純信心為廣宣流布活動的可貴人士, 絕對能受到御本尊的佑護.
As followers of the Budhisattvas of the Earth, we have stood up to fight for the kosen-rufu of Myoho, or the Mystic Law.
Therefore, as long as your faith is sincere and your actions are true, the Gohonzon will definitely protect you.
Such precious individuals of pure faith, who act for the sake of kosen-rufu, can never fail to receive the Gohonzon's protection.