在人生漫長的旅途上, 有時你可能發覺自己陷於工作, 學校或日常事物的僵局.
不過, 這些都是日常生活與社會現象, 與信心的程度不同, 本身並非信心的精華.
因此, 你絕不能容許自己被這類表面的事物所動搖而冒着完全喪失信心的危險.
Over the long course of your life, you may at times find yourself in a deadlock at work, at school or in your daily affairs.
However, these are phenomena of daily life and society which lie on a different plane than faith and are not themselves the essence of faith.
Therefore, you must never allow yourself to be swayed by such superficial matters and risk losing your faith entirely.