星期六, 4月 05, 2008

今日指導 四月五日

在生活中, 人與人之間的接觸是十分重要的.
在某種意義上, 生命是與許多人接觸的延續.
在許許多多的接觸中, 有者隨着時間而被遺忘, 有者則立刻成為改變人生的推動力.
因此, 我們應該極端重視人與人的接觸.

Meeting between people are very important in life.
In a sense, life is a succession of meeting with many individuals.
Some meeting will be forgotten as time passes, but some can instantly become an impetus to change your life.
Therefore, we should always try to attach the utmost importance when meeting with people.
