星期三, 2月 06, 2008

今日指導 二月八日

我們生於末法的五濁惡世, 對妙法的宣弘懷有熱忱的祈望.
大聖人曾說過"三障四魔競起, 賢者喜悅, 愚者退缩".
因為我們實踐信心, 因此障礙自然會出現.
如果我們以信心的立場來閱讀此段御文, 就會在生命深處感受到喜悅.

We were born onto the stage of this polluted world of the Latter Day of the Law, cherishing an earnest wish for the spread of Myoho.
The Daishonin stated, "The three obstacles and four devils will invariably appear, and the wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat."
Beacuse we practise faith, obstacles will naturally appear.
Then, if we read this passage from the standpoint of faith, we can feel joy in the depths of our lives.
