Just as a my morning walk or jog may be pleasantly exhilarating for both the body and the mind, please chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in a way that is personally satisfying to you--one that leaves you feeling refreshed and uplifted both mentally and physically.
Human beings have an undeniable instinct for prayer.
Religion first came into being in response to this.
Prayer did not come into existence because of religion; it was the other way around.
When we pray with appreciation immense vitality wells forth.
From the depths of our lives, we tap the wisdom to encourage others.
And our conduct translates into value-creating activities perfectly responding and of those around us.
In Nichiren Buddhism, it is said that no prayer goes unanswered.
But this is very different from having every wish instantly granted as if by magic.
All your prayers serve to propel you in the direction of happiness.