無論發生什麼事, 你一定要日日實踐勤行與唱題的修行.
勤行與唱題使生命內奧產生一股生氣勃勃和堅強的生命力, 給予你解決人生苦難的力量.
因此, 你絕不應藉口太忙或太累而忽略勤行.
No matter what happens, you must carry out the practice of gongyo and chant daimoku everyday.
Doing gongyo and chanting daimoku give rise to a bright and vibrant life-force from the depths of your life, giving you the power to resolve life difficulties.
Therefore, you should never neglect gongyo on account of too busy or to tired.
Never "pull the plug" of your faith.