無論面對什麼困難, 侮辱或中傷, 身為地涌菩薩眷屬的我們必須不受憤怒或仇恨動搖, 沈着與慈悲地宣弘佛法的正確教義與意思.
你應確信唯有通過佛法的不間斷努力, 悟達的生命境涯--佛界, 才能在生命中涌現出來.
As followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, we must propagate the correct teachings and meaning of Buddhism with composure and compassion, untouched by anger or animosity, no matter what difficulty, insult or calumny we may face.
You should be convinced that only through your ceaseless effort of propagation will the world of Buddhahood, the life-condition of enlightenment, manifest itself within your life.